Appendix E. OMP Overview
This appendix provides a general overview of how facilities data are used in the context of operation and maintenance of plant (OMP). Before reading this appendix, readers are advised to have a knowledgeable understanding of the data elements defined in Appendix C, BuildingArea Overview.
In 1986, a Universitywide task group was established to (1) bridge the difference between OMP standards workload data collected by Clyde Gordon and Associates with facilities data collected and maintained in the corporate facilities data system; and (2) determine eligibility criteria for State OMP funding. The result was the development of “OMP Eligibility Codes” which are tied to facilities program classification codes. These “OMP Eligibility Codes” remain in effect; however, the term is being changed with this issue of the Facilities Inventory Guide to “OMP Planning Codes” because of subsequent confusion, misunderstanding, and misinterpretation of the term “eligibility.” “Eligibility” does not mean “entitlement.”
OMP Planning Categories
One major use of facilities inventory data is the identification, calculation, and analysis of space requiring maintenance. Almost all space in the facilities inventory can be identified by the facilities department which occupies the space. Each facilities department is assigned a program classification code which most closely reflects the activity or emphasis of the academic program or, for non-academic units, the type of activity conducted by the administrative unit.
Each program classification code is associated with one of three pre-determined OMP
S State
F Student Fees
X Other
The predetermined assignment of OMP Planning Codes, sorted by program code, can be found in Appendix A under the section entitled, List of Valid Program Codes. For example, the OMP Planning Code for program code Agricultural Business and Management is “S” (State); for program code Extension, 'X' (Other); and for program code Recreation, 'F' (Student Fees).
OMP Planning Codes are used for planning purposes only. OMP Planning Codes do not in any way imply or signify the budgeted nor actual source of funds used for operating budget support. OMP planning codes identify, in the ideal world, the potential or likely funding source for facilities maintenance or deferred maintenance of a program. This assumes (a) a normal budget year in which State funds are available for allocation at the requested level; and (b) the program is housed in a structure which does not involve any special State maintenance funding arrangements, agreements or negotiations (e.g., Garamendi bond-constructed projects, off-campus leases, off-campus contract and grant space). Although it would seem reasonable that the maintenance of buildings and space which house academic programs and certain administrative activities would be supported by State funds, such support is dependent upon the availability of State funds. Given the recent trend of dwindling State resources, the budget for operation and maintenance of plant has experienced shortfalls and consequently, remains underfunded.
OMP Planning Codes are not intended to indicate (a) the actual funding source for building or deferred maintenance; (b) the actual funding source for program support; nor (c) the actual funding source for construction or renovation.
The amount of space likely to be supported by a certain fund source for OMP purposes is calculated on the basis of assignable area associated with a program, and not on the gross area of a building. A building may house multiple programs, with each program having a different OMP planning code.
OMP Planning Code Exceptions
In general, the OMP funding eligibility of space in a building is determined by the eligibility status of the departments and activities occupying the building. In certain situations, however, programs and activities which normally would be eligible for one funding source are considered ineligible. Whenever possible, these situations should be reviewed to see whether they can be resolved by more appropriate departmental or program classification assignment. To take care of situations of legitimate discrepancy, facilities departments having exceptional funding eligibility codes are duly noted and a table of exceptional funding eligibility codes is maintained and regularly updated by the Office of the President. This table allows individual designations to override the predetermined OMP Eligibility Funding codes based on program classification codes. Exceptional situations are handled on a case-by-case basis with final determination of proper eligibility status made by the Office of the President (Budget Office) after consultation with campus staff.
Below are descriptive examples of exceptional cases in which an override of the usual OMP eligibility code must be applied.
Example 1: An entire building is ineligible for state funding.
An organized research unit (ORU) whose program classification is under the 2.0 series, a state-eligible classification, is the sole occupant of a building. Federal funds are budgeted for both the program and its activities and for the related OMP costs. Where federal funds are budgeted for OMP support for otherwise State-eligible activities, state funding will not be provided. In this case, the entire building is designated ineligible.
This practice can become complicated: (1) when a state-eligible (for OMP) program shares an "ineligible" building with a federally-funded (for OMP) program, or (2) when an ORU's activities are housed in different buildings, one of which has been declared ineligible and the other not. As of this writing, this dilemma is resolved as follows: (1) the state-funded program, otherwise eligible for State OMP funding, housed in the ineligible building does not receive state funding, and (2) the ORU's activities, otherwise ineligible for State OMP funding, housed in the eligible building receive state funding but the activities housed in the "ineligible" building do not.
Example 2: Impact of overhead rate on leased, off-campus space for contract and grant activities.
Another typical situation is one in which space is leased in a building off-campus to accommodate various contract and grant (C&G) supported activities of I&R departments or organized research units. The University's general arrangement with the State requires that the contracts and grants support activity in such space carry the on-campus indirect cost (overhead) recovery rate in order for State funds to be provided for OMP. If the on-campus rate has not been approved for the activities in this space, then it is ineligible for State OMP funding. Since the departments involved are program space, then it is ineligible
for State OMP funding. Since the departments involved are program classified as eligible for State OMP funding, either the building must be designated ineligible or the activities in it be given separate and unique department names which themselves could then be designated as ineligible.
Example 3: Buildings that are new or have not been coded.
A building contains activities nominally eligible for State OMP funding which are entered into the campus' facilities inventory file, although the building itself has not been recognized and approved for State OMP funding. The eligibility of a program or activity cannot be determined until the eligibility of the building housing it has been determined. Since it is important to maintain accurate records in the facilities inventory of the total amount of space which has been approved for State-funded OMP for budget review and analysis purposes, it will be necessary to identify any buildings currently on file or being added to the file which have not been so recognized and approved for inclusion in the annual state OMP workload budget. All programs, departments
and/or specific rooms occupying space in a building that has been designated in its entirety as being ineligible for state OMP funding should be be coded "F" (student fees) or "X" (other funds) as appropriate. Any building without a code will be handled separately in accordance with the eligibility designation of its occupying activities.