Location Hierarchy Basics and Structure
1. Brief Explanation
The Location page provides a structure to manage the various locations that comprise UC, including its properties, buildings, structures (campus infrastructure and utilities), floors, and spaces
2. The Location Hierarchy structure set up in Tririga
Locations are presented as a hierarchy, or drilldown tree that can be navigated from the highest level, Locations, to the lowest level, Space. The list below provides a brief description of each level of the hierarchy and its function. The paranthetical information references the unique Tririga form used to build the given level.
- Level 1 : Locations (root), contains all of the the physical locations across the UC system
- Level 2: University of California (Location Category), represents UC system
- Level 3: Campus (Location Category), represents each local campus as a whole and will contain campuses, medical centers and/or other properties that are part of that campus system
- Level 4: Campus (Property), represents the physical campus property and contains the buildings, structures and land parcels that are part of the campus
- Level 5: Building (Building), represents the actual buildings that are part of the campus property
- Level 5: Structure (Structure), represents the other structures and facilities that make up the campus, for example utilities (water, sewar, electrical services), infrastructure (roads, walkways) and structures (stadiums, greehouses)
- Level 5: Land (Land): represent the parcels of land that are part of the campus
- Level 6: Floors (Floor): represent the floors that are part of each building
- Level 6: Vertical Shaft (Vertical Shaft): represent the vertical shafts that are part of each building
- Level 7: Space (Space): represent the spaces and rooms that are located on a floor of a given building
3. The Location Hierarchy and Example