How to Create a Department
1. Login to Tririga
2. From the Main page
Click Portfolio and then Organization Hierarchy in the Organization section.

Drill down in the Organization Hierarchy to the Division where you wish a new department to be placed, and select the Division.

Click New and select Department from the drop-down menu.

3. In the New Department Record, Add the following
Enter an ID number in the ID field and a department name in the Name field.

Enter a short department name in the Short Name field and the EFA department name in the EFA Department Name field.
The EFA Department Name can be a maximum of 12 characters; alphanumeric. Name will be supplied to EFA if this department has already been supplied to EFA, and it should match.

Click the small look-up glass icon to the right of the Program Code field to select a program code for this new department in the UC Program Codes section.

Select values for the following fields in the UC Details section:
Click the small look-up glass icons to the right of these fields to select values for these fields.

Click the Employees & Contacts tab to add an employee to this Department record if necessary.

When all necessary information is entered into the new Department record, click the Activate button at the top right hand side of the record.
If you need to just save the record and keep working, click the Save record.