ICAMP Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) Data Visualization Overview
The following article is an overview of the ICAMP FCA Data Visualization Workbook
- The ICAMP FCA Data Visualization Workbook contains nine different views (sheets) that allow users to explore and examine ICAMP FCA Asset (BSIs) and DM Opportunity data. From rolled-up summaries of systemwide data down to asset and opportunity detail at a given building or structure.
- These views allow the user to traverse the data horizontally across the system, campuses and portfolio, as well as vertically, that is, to drill down into the finer detail and further investigate the data as questions and insights arise.
- Unlike ICAMP DM Reporting, these views are not intended for extracting data, but rather were designed to get the user familiar with the portfolio data beyond the two-dimensional row-column format that excel alone typically provides.
- All of the BSI and Opportunity records from Tririga are in either Draft or Active status only.
Note: These views do not include BSIs or Opportunities in either Retired or Completed status.
How to get to the ICAMP FCA Data Visualization Workbook
Login to the ICAMP Tableau home page.
Click the Explore link on the far left-hand menu of the home page.
Click the ICAMP folder link on Explore screen.

Click the ICAMP FCA Data Visualization link on the ICAMP screen.

Click the Risk and Action Timeframe link on the ICAMP FCA Data Visualization screen.
Risk & Action Timeframe: Total Deferred Maintenance by Risk Color & Action Timeframe
- This is a view of all building and infrastructure deferred maintenance (DM) summarized by risk color and suggested action timeframe to address the DM.
- Where the Risk Color (Red, Yellow, Green) is derived from the composite risk scoring associated to each ICAMP DM Opportunity.
Additional Information about Risk and Urgency:
Below is a summary slide of the different risk ratings scored during the facility condition assessment and the risk color ranges based on total score.
Note: The Action Timeframe corresponds to the Urgency Ratings the FCA assessors assigned to each Opportunity. Based on their experience and knowledge, assessors considered how urgently a given DM item needed to be addressed before it failed and/or critically impacted the operations of the facility and assigned it a priority of P1-P6.

Heatmap by Facility and Opportunity Cost
Click the Heatmap by Facility and Opportunity Cost tab on the ICAMP FCA Data Visualization screen.
The initial view is of the sum of DM opportunity costs by buildings and infrastructure. These views provide an “at-a-glance” summary of the data, while also easily identifying the high-DM-cost building and infrastructure facilities.
- The darker orange color saturation, represents higher total opportunity costs versus the lighter blue which is has a lower total opportunity cost
- Heatmap Selection (Facility or Oppt Risk) allows the user to change the heatmap view from Facility to Opportunities
Note: In the Opportunity View, the sum of DM opportunities is at Level 5 building system class and by risk color.
Filters in this view are driven by the Facility View, so if a user would like to modify any filter selections, they would go back to the facility view and apply them there first to see them cascade down to the Opportunity view
Opportunity by Urgency, Color and Score
Click the Opportunity by Urgency, Color and Score tab.
This view provides the user the ability to search by Facility (Building or Structure) using the Facility Key or Facility Name.
- Based on the Facility selection, the individual Opportunity detail for the facility is presented by total risk score and color.
- Hover over the cost to see the tool tip and more information about the record
- Based on the Facility selection, the Total Costs by Risk Color are displayed
- Based on the Facility selection, The Total Opportunity Costs by Urgency Code are displayed
- Hover over the cost to see the tool tip and more information about the record
- This view also allows the user to explore the detailed Opportunity data by Facility, Risk Color and Urgency.
- This is a stand-alone view for navigating the Opportunity data but can also be used as a companion view with the Heatmaps, meaning selections made at the Heatmap also carry over to this view. This can support inquires around the facilities within the heatmap that a user may want to explore in greater detail.
Total Assets
Click the Total Assets tab.
This view provides the user a summary overview of all the assets (BSIs) that are inventoried in Tririga.
- The view defaults to Building System Classification Level 1 (the highest and broadest category) but the BSC Level advancer will allow a user to drill down to Level 5, which provides the most specific class information detail.
- The Facility Search will allow users to select a Facility by Key or Name and see the total counts and by BSC and Condition.
- The Total Assets by Building System Class table shows how many assets are in each Building System Classification (BSC).
- The Total Count of Assets by Building System Class and Condition table shows the total number of assets by Building System Class as well as their condition.
Total Opportunity Count and Costs
Click the Opportunity Count and Costs tab.
This view provides the user a summary overview of all the Opportunities that are logged in Tririga
- The view defaults to Building System Classification Level 1 (the highest and broadest category) but the BSC Level advancer will allow a user to drill down to Level 5, which provides the most specific class information detail.
- The Facility Search will allow users to select a Facility by Key or Name and see the total counts and by BSC and Cost.
- The Opportunity Count by Building System Class table shows how many opportunities are in each Building System Classification (BSC).
- The Total Opportunity Cost by Building System Class table shows the total dollar value of the opportunities that are in each Building System Classification (BSC).
- The Total Opportunity Cost by Building System Class and Risk Color bar chart shows the total Opportunity costs by each system as well as breaks the cost out by risk color.
Total Opportunity (Oppt) Cost by Facility
Click the Total Oppt Cost by Facility tab.
This “at-a-glance” view provides the user with the ability to easily scroll through the portfolio of buildings and structures and also quickly identify the those facilities with the highest total DM Opportunity costs.
Total Opportunity Cost by Facility and Building System - Level 2
Click the Total Opportunity Cost by Facility and Building System - Level 2 tab
This “at-a-glance” view provides the user with the ability to easily scroll through the portfolio of buildings and structures and also quickly identify the those facilities with the highest total DM Opportunity costs by Building System Class 2.
This view is also helpful when the user identifies a facility on the Total Opportunity Costs by Facility bar chart that they would like another level of detail on, they can click on this view to see which building systems make up the total costs.
Opportunity Details by Facility, Risk Score Color and Action Timeframe
Click the Opportunity Details by Facility, Risk Score Color and Action Timeframe tab.
This detailed Opportunity view provides the user with the ability to scan the full list of Opportunities across the portfolio of buildings and structures, and displays each Opportunity’s total risk score and color as well as the suggested time frame for action (based on the urgency code).
Note: this is a view of the data, but should not be used to download/extract data.
Please go to the ICAMP DM Reporting workbook and use the Deferred Maintenance Report to download and extract data.
Asset Details by Facility and Condition
This detailed asset view provides the user with the ability to scan the full list of assets across the portfolio of buildings and structures, and displays the inventoried quantity of each asset as well as its condition.
Note: Null Condition Codes are not necessarily a problem with the data, but indicate that the BSI Condition Code is null. When there is a NULL, it can be because an assessor is still working on the record or that the campus FCA program manager may need to review the record and update the condition accordingly