Common Filters and Values Available Across Many Views
The following article shows many of the common filter menus and views available on the ICAMP Tableau Site.
Campus Filter
The Campus Filter allows you to select all, multiple and a single campus as needed.

Facility Key Filter
Facility Keys are the unique IDs for each building or structure across the UC portfolio.

Building Facility Keys:
- Traditionally, Buildings have been identified by their CAAN and when being compared across the campuses, a building key was used, since not all CAANs are unique across the system.
- The Building Facility Key is a concatenation of the Campus Property ID (01, 02, 03...20), the Functional Affiliation Code (A,C,S) and the CAAN ID.
Structure (Infrastructure) Facility Keys:
- Are generated by Tririga for each Infrastructure System created within the system.
- Infrastructure Systems are a new convention and therefore were not part of the original Building Key/CAAN framework.
- Note where a CAAN is an infrastructure component and is communicated through EFA Reporting, it will be found under the “Building Key.”
- Using the Key is an easy way to locate the specific facility across the data set views.
Site Description Filter
During the Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA), some campuses differentiated between facilities that were on campus and those that were off campus at particular sites. The site description identifies these off campus sites to help group and bring them into focus. Sites include:
- The ANR research center sites across California.
- The Mount Hamilton Observatory that is associated with the Santa Cruz campus.
- When Site Description is NULL it indicates there are no sub-sites and the facilities are part of the main campus.

Facility Name Filter
Facility Names are less unique across the UC portfolio but can be another easy way to filter the data.
The Names presented in the Tableau data sets are derived from either the Building Long name or Short name provided by the campuses via the annual EFA Process.
- For (Infra)Structure Names.
- Names typically reflect the Infrastructure System Structure name or a more granular site-specific or system-specific indicator.

Facility Type Filter
During the ICAMP FCA, both buildings and infrastructure systems were assessed.
- To identify building related opportunities, select Building.
- To identify infrastructure related opportunities, select Structure.

FCA Program Filter
- The ICAMP FCA Program was primarily centered around assessing facilities with state-eligible space or infrastructure systems that supported state-eligible space.
- However, the ICAMP Platform was designed to support any facility type, regardless of the stakeholder organization responsible for overseeing the assets.
- Since Phase 1 of the ICAMP FCA program completed, UC Davis has also begun to assess UC Housing and Medical Center Facilities
- A user can distinguish between these programs by using the FCA Program Filter
▸ State: Identifies the ICAMP FCA Phase 1 State-Eligible program facilities
▸ Housing: Indicates housing program facilities
▪︎ As of July 2021, these facilities are all associated with UC Davis Housing, but this can reflect any campus as they start to implement similar FCA initiatives
▸ Medical: Indicates medical center program facilities
▪︎ As of July 2021, these facilities are all associated with UC Davis Medical, but this can reflect any campus as they start to implement similar FCA initiatives

BSC-Building System Class
Building System Class (BSC) is a Tririga term an essentially is the area within Tririga that stores the UC Asset Catalog. The following slides provide a high-level overview of the catalog structure and the building system.

Structure Class filter (Infrastructure Primary Systems)
Infrastructure is classified in the BSC under “G-Site Work.”
However, infrastructure systems have also been classified more generally by their “structural class”, which represents a more familiar system breakdown and identification of the major Infrastructure systems found across the UC system, these include:

The Structure Class menu.

FCA Assessor Service Class
Refers to the FCA Assessor Discipline who assessed the asset
There are four assessor disciplines, or service classes:
- Architectural
- Electrical
- Infrastructural
- Mechanical

Opportunity Cost (Total Project or Contractor Cost)
- Each Opportunity that is created has an Opportunity Cost. This cost reflects the base cost of the activity labor, material and any associated equipment that may be required.
- The base ICAMP cost includes geographic indices that modify costs to reflect the local area costs.
- The base ICAMP cost may also include cost adders that consider additional costs specific to the given opportunity (examples could include asbestos remediation, the cost of rigging to get an old asset removed, or difficult location access)
- The base cost is then escalated by the Campus Project Contractor Index. This index considers the soft costs associated with managing the work with an outside contractor.
- Campus indices range between 30-35%
- The Total Project or Contractor Cost, then is the base ICAMP cost plus the geographic index cost plus the campus project contractor index cost and reflects this fully burdened total cost
Opportunity ID
Each Opportunity in the ICAMP Tririga platform has a unique record ID known as the Opportunity ID.

Opportunity Status
Opportunity records can have the following statuses:
Draft: Each opportunity starts out in a draft status and generally indicates the opportunity has recently been created and the user is still working on the record.
Active: Once a user feels the opportunity write-up is sufficient and accurate, they then would move the status to Active. The opportunity will stay in active status until the work is completed or the opportunity is retired.
Completed: Reflects that an the work to be done with an opportunity has actually been funded and executed fully.
Retired: Users can retire an Opportunity if it is no longer required and or if they created the opportunity record in error. Generally, if an opportunity is in retired status, the work has not been executed.
Opportunity Create Year
The Create Year reflects the year that the Opportunity was created. For example if the FCA assessor performed the FCA for a building in 2019, and that is when the Opportunity was created, then Create Year will be 2019. This date can be used to determine how old the Opportunity is and when its data was last collected and updated.
Opportunity Condition Code
The FCA assessors assign each Opportunity with a condition code, which is the condition of the asset that needs to be addressed. There are six conditions an assessor can choose from.
For DM Opportunities, the assessor should assign a condition between Adequate and Fail.

BSI Impact to Mission Code
The FCA assessors assign each asset (BSI) an Impact to Mission code, which indicates that if the asset were to fail, how would it impact the mission of the facility or location it is serving, and ranges from None to Mission Shutdown

BSI Risk to Mission Code
The FCA assessors assign each asset (BSI) a Risk to Mission code, which indicates that if an asset were to fail, which mission type would be impacted. Mission types include, Education, Research, Patient Care.

Each Building System Item ID in the ICAMP Tririga platform has a unique record ID known as the BSI ID.
State Ratio
- The UC Facilities Inventory Guide, requires the campuses to track “Assignable” area with each facility. Assignable space can be either State-Eligible or Non-State (which is either Fee or Other auxiliary eligible space).
- The State Ratio indicates what portion of the total assignable area is “state-eligible.”
- The ratio calculation is: State Assignable Square Footage/Total Building Assignable Square Footage =State Ratio.
Basic Gross
The Facilities Inventory Guide defines Basic Gross as: the sum of Assignable, Non-assignable, and Structural Areas.

Year Constructed
The Facilities Inventory Guide defines Year Constructed as: The year in which the construction of the building was completed (also known as “substantial completion”); or the year of recordation of the "Notice of Completion of the Contract," when known; if exact year is not known, then an estimate is acceptable.
The age of the building indicates how many years old the building is based on the current year less the year constructed.