ICAMP Tableau Basic Navigation
The following article will show users the basic navigational actions on the ICAMP Tableau views.
Adding & Setting Dropdown Filters and Resetting Views
- Each view contains a list of Filters that allow users to “slice and dice” the data
- Click on any Filter to display its selections.
- Uncheck All and check one or more desired values and then hit the Apply button to filter down to the desired data.

Click on the gray area of the view to then begin reviewing the data.
Users can apply multiple filters.
Removing Filters
To clear a single filter, hover the cursor above the filter dropdown. When the Filter and red x icon appears, click it to reset to all values.

To clear multiple filters, click the Reset Filters Icon at the top far right hand of the screen.
Note: This action will not reset all slider selections, some will need to be reset individually.

Sliding Filters
Sliding filters allow users to pick low and high values within a given range of values that are likely to change based on the data being displayed.
Drag the Start Range and End Range control knobs to create a desired range.

Resetting Filter
Click on the Filter/RedX to reset the filter to its full range.

Note: You may click Reset Filter Icon to reset most range filters, but always check to see if the range controls have been reset, if not, for some range filters you may need to reset them manually.
Tooltips (Hover boxes)
Many of the views include active tooltips (or information boxes) that pop up when a curser hovers above a given element.
The data displayed will vary depending on the view and source data available and presented for display.

Download/Extract Data, Images, Powerpoint...
To initiate a desired download, go to the upper right-hand menu bar and click on Download.
This will display the Download options dialog box where the desired file format can be selected for downloading.
Selecting Image from the Download pop-up menu will capture a screen image of the view and selected filter information.
Selecting Data from the Download pop-up menu gives you the ability to view the data in Summary (where available) or Full View format at a new web page.
- Full View will display all of the data that is used to create the main view...so there are likely fields that will be shown in Full View that are not part of the Displayed View.
- If you are not seeing any/all data be sure to Select Show All Columns.
- The data can also be exported to Excel as a text file.
Note: This option will open a new web page, which can be closed or left open and will not affect the main view
Download Crosstab
Generally, this is the recommend option for downloading “Report” data to Excel. The download will only include the data presented in the view.
At the Download Crosstab dialog box you will select Full Worksheet and hit the Download button.

Note 1: Tableau will include a totals row where totals are part of the view and will insert “TOTAL” under columns of data that are not totaled in the main view.
Note 2: Depending on what you have open in your web browser and the amount of memory being used, it is possible that even after hitting the Download button, no report download will be generated. It is recommend that you close your browser, only open Tableau and repeat the download request.
PDF File
Selecting the PDF download option will allow you to create a PDF document of one or multiple sheets.
1. Select View Option.

2. Select desired sheet(s).
3. Change Paper size if needed.
4. Change layout orientation as desired.
5. Click Download.

6. Click the Download button.

Note the resulting PDF document

PowerPoint Option
Selecting the Powerpoint option will allow you to select desired views (sheets) to download into a .PPT file.
1. Select specific sheets from this workbook.

2. Select a separate desired sheet by clicking on it or click on the “Select All” button for all sheets
3. Click the Download Button.

Download the PPT file.

The resulting PPT will include a title page and each view will be an image on its own slide.
Tableau Workbook
If you have purchased a Tableau Desktop User License and have a recent version of the application installed on your local machine, you can download this workbook and review it

Full Screen Mode
To set the Tableau view to full screen
Go to the menu bar and click the Full Screen icon
This will hide the browser and Tableau menu and provide more screen space for the current view.
To close full screen, click the Exit Full Screen icon.

Creating and Saving Custom Views
This is a great feature if you would like to save custom filtered views that you want to re-use in the future or find yourself recreating each time you work within Tableau.
Note: always check to see which view you have selected, especially if you are not seeing the data you expect to see as you navigate.
Go to the Menu Bar and click on View:

Name and Save the View, select views.
Go to Manage Views to edit, delete or hide any view.
Note: the Original view will always be available

Note the Original view is not editable and cannot be deleted or modified.