Creating a New BSI (Asset) and Associated Opportunity (The Happy Path)
Although numerous assets and opportunities were created during the initial FCA, it is expected that the ICAMP/Asset manager will still need to create new assets and associated opportunities.
If the ICAMP/Asset manager becomes aware of new deferred maintenance and has checked the building or structure to confirm that the BSI is not in inventory, then they will need to create a new asset and associated opportunity to reflect the DM that has been communicated to them.
Note: The example below will walk a user through creating an asset and opportunity from end-to-end. These basic steps will provide a solid foundation for working with BSIs and Opportunities that can be applied to any basic adds or changes a user need to make to these types of records.
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler needs to be replaced at the ICAMP Property, Building 1, CAAN 9999
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Go to the Buildings Page and Add a New BSI (asset)
a. Filter on either the CAAN or Facility Name and hit the Enter Key or Apply Filters button

b. Click on the record to open the Building

c. At the Building record, on the General tab, check to see if the Building Status is “Active”, if it is, click on the Revise button, which will open the record for edits.
Note, this will change the status of the Building to “Revision in Progress”
d. Click on the Assessment tab

e. Scroll down the form and click on the Building System Items sub-tab
Then click on the “Add from Building System Class button. This will open up the UC catalog of Assets (BSCs) to choose from which will allow the user to add a new asset to the building
f. With the BSC Catalog open, enter the ID or Name of the boiler in the filters to locate the asset.
- The catalog has numerous assets, and typically a range of asset components and capacities are available.
- However, an exact match may not always be available, and so an asset that is close to what you are looking for should be selected.
- Some assets in the catalog may reflect various materials in the name (e.g., Windows Steel or Wood).
- When the BSI is created, the name can be modified to more closely match the asset type being installed
Click the check box at the asset to be added
Click the OK button to add the asset to the building BSI inventory
Tririga will add the new BSI to the Building inventory.
At the BSI ID field, click on the field label to toggle to Sort the rows from high to low ID numbers (the Up arrow)

Click on the Sort button to see the most recent record created, the new boiler that was just put into inventory
Click on the record to open the new BSI
1. BSI Record Details
1. Update the BSI Record Information
- Name
- The record is pre-populated with the name of the asset as it appears in the catalog.
- As noted above, where an exact asset match was not made from the catalog, the name should be modified to reflect the installed asset
- For example,
- If Windows (Steel, Wood) was selected, the name should be modified to reflect the material in use
- If the capacity of the catalog item vs. the installed asset is different, then the capacity of the installed asset should be updated in the Name
- For example,
- It can be helpful to also include in the name which floor or space the asset is located
- It can be helpful to add the Reference location if the actual location is not apparent to future consumers of the data
- Description
- Additional details about the asset can be added into the description field, for example, serial number, make/model, manufacturer
- The description should not include details about what is problematic with the asset, that can will be captured at the Opportunity description
- Quantity
- Enter the quantity of the asset in the Unit of Measure (UoM) indicated
- For singular items, the quantity will be 1
- For other items where the UoM is not each, determine how many units make up the asset
- For example, Carpet has a UoM of S.Y. (square yards), determine how many square yards of carpet are being inventoried...this is the value that should be entered into quantity
- Note: Quantity is not a required field, when creating and saving the record, but it should always be populated by the time the user is ready to finalize the asset into inventory.
- Enter the quantity of the asset in the Unit of Measure (UoM) indicated
- Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
- Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected
- System Group Comment
- Add a system group comment if desired
- Impact to Mission
- Select a code/rating
- Risk to Mission
- Select a code/rating
- Rigor of Use
- Select a code/rating
- Regulatory Liability
- Select a code/rating
- Condition Code
- Select a code/rating
- Campus Asset ID
- Enter the campus CMMS Asset ID if desired
- Campus Asset Name
- Enter the name of the asset as it appears in the campus CMMS
- Reference Location
- Enter a reference location if helpful
- In Service Date
- Enter the date the asset went into service
- Click the Save button
- It is good practice to Save the record while working on it and when moving on to the next record type
2. Upload a picture of the asset
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button
c. At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
In this example, a Single Upload is selected
Click the Select File for Upload button
Select the Picture from your file manager
3. Name the document and submit
- Add a name: (As example) NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button
4. Verify the file was uploaded
Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

2. Create an Associated DM Opportunity
At the BSI page, General Tab, scroll to the bottom of the record, and click on the Opportunities sub-tab
- Click the Add button to create a new Opportunity

The Opportunity record will open, click Create Draft

3. Update the Opportunity Record Information
Update the Opportunity Record Information
- Name
- The Opportunity name will pre-populate with the name from the BSI
- For Opportunities, it is good practice to enter what type of activity is recommended: e.g., Replace, Repair, Refinish... at the beginning of the name
- This will help future users/consumers of the data easily determine what the Opportunity need is
- Description
- Use the description to communicate why an opportunity is being created e.g., Boiler is leaking, boiler is working intermittently, numerous corrective maintenance tickets have been called in
- Here again, this will help future users/consumers of the data get a better idea of why the opportunity is being created and the actions suggested

Opportunity Rating
- Condition Code
- Select a code/rating
- Deterioration Code
- Select a code/rating
- Urgency Code
- Select a code/rating

Quantity Deficient
- Enter in the quantity deficient in the Unit of Measure shown
- This is an important value to make sure is entered and reflects the correct unit of measure
- Without this value, the Opportunity has no quantity to price against and will result in a $0 Total Cost Estimate

- Click the Save button

Creation Criteria
- Scroll down the Opportunity record to the Creation Criteria sub-tab and select it

- Select one or more criteria that apply for the opportunity being created

- Click the OK button on the Find Reason Code dialogue box
4. Create a Solution
Scroll to the Solutions section of the page and click the Add button

This will open the Estimate Manager window/page

Go the UC Assembly Data Section of the page
- Review and select the appropriate Activity Cost Assembly
- Click the Add button

- At the Estimate Manager, Estimate Summary Section, you will now see a Total Estimated Cost
- At the Cost Estimate Section, you will now see the Assembly that was selected
Review the Cost Estimate Line Item and Include Cost Adders
- At the Cost Estimate section, click on the Cost Estimate Line Item record to open it

This will open the Cost Estimate Line Item record
- Go to the Labor, Material and Equipment Adjustment Section
- To include a “Cost Adder”, click the Quick Add button

Select the Adder(s) that apply and Click OK

- Click the Save button
- At the Labor, Material, Equipment % or $ adjust as necessary
- At the Comment Section include a brief note on why the adder was included
- SAVE AND CLOSE THE RECORD If you are done working on the Cost Estimate Line Item
At Estimate Manager Save and Close the Record
At the Solution Section of the Opportunity validate that the Solution is marked as Default

At the Total Costs and Risk Rating Analysis section of the Opportunity
- Verify that the Total Estimated Costs along with the Total In-House and Total Contractor Project Costs have been populated
- If a $0 cost is showing review your work and make sure you have added a Total Quantity Deficient, or that the Solution is marked as Default, Save the CELI, Save the Solution, Save the Opportunity. If you are still having issues, contact ICAMP support
- Verify that the Total Rating Score and Color are in place
- Save the Record
IF you are satisfied with the Opportunity and are ready to move it from a Draft Status to the Active Status, click the Activate button. This will also close the record
At the BSI record, you can now see that the Opportunity Record is in place and is associated to the BSI
IF you are satisfied with the BSI and associated Opportunity records, click the Save and Close button to close the record
At the Building Record, you can see and verify both the BSI and Opportunity Records are now in inventory
- View the BSI at the Building System Item sub-tab
View the Opportunity at the Opportunities sub-tab
IF you are satisfied with both records and done working at the Building, go to the General tab at the Building
- Note that the Status is Revision In Progress
- To reactivate the building and change the status to Active, click the Activate button, this will lock down the record
5. Asset (BSI) Updates
Create/Add a New BSI
Although numerous assets were created during the initial FCA, it is expected that the ICAMP/Asset manager will still need to create new assets.
If the ICAMP/Asset manager becomes aware of new asset in a building or structure and has confirmed that the BSI is not in inventory, then they will need to create it.
Note: The example below will walk a user through creating an asset.
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler needs to be added to the ICAMP Property, Building 1, CAAN 9999
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Go to the Buildings Page and Add a New BSI (asset)
At the Building record, on the General tab, check to see if the Building Status is “Active”, if it is, click on the Revise button, which will open the record for edits.
Note, this will change the status of the Building to “Revision in Progress”
Click on the Assessment tab

Scroll down the form and click on the Building System Items sub-tab
Then click on the “Add from Building System Class button. This will open up the UC catalog of Assets (BSCs) to choose from which will allow the user to add a new asset to the building
With the BSC Catalog open, enter the ID or Name of the boiler in the filters to locate the asset.
- The catalog has numerous assets, and typically a range of asset components and capacities are available.
- However, an exact match may not always be available, and so an asset that is close to what you are looking for should be selected.
- Some assets in the catalog may reflect various materials in the name (e.g., Windows Steel or Wood).
- When the BSI is created, the name can be modified to more closely match the asset type being installed
Click the check box at the asset to be added
Click the OK button to add the asset to the building BSI inventory
Tririga will add the new BSI to the Building inventory.
At the BSI ID field, click on the field label to toggle to Sort the rows from high to low ID numbers (the Up arrow)

Click on the Sort button to see the most recent record created, the new boiler that was just put into inventory
Click on the record to open the new BSI
Update the BSI Record Information
- Name
- The record is pre-populated with the name of the asset as it appears in the catalog.
- As noted above, where an exact asset match was not made from the catalog, the name should be modified to reflect the installed asset
- For example,
- If Windows (Steel, Wood) was selected, the name should be modified to reflect the material in use
- If the capacity of the catalog item vs. the installed asset is different, then the capacity of the installed asset should be updated in the Name
- For example,
- It can be helpful to also include in the name which floor or space the asset is located
- It can be helpful to add the Reference location if the actual location is not apparent to future consumers of the data
- Description
- Additional details about the asset can be added into the description field, for example, serial number, make/model, manufacturer
- The description should not include details about what is problematic with the asset, that can will be captured at the Opportunity description
- Quantity
- Enter the quantity of the asset in the Unit of Measure (UoM) indicated
- For singular items, the quantity will be 1
- For other items where the UoM is not each, determine how many units make up the asset
- For example, Carpet has a UoM of S.Y. (square yards), determine how many square yards of carpet are being inventoried...this is the value that should be entered into quantity
- Note: Quantity is not a required field, when creating and saving the record, but it should always be populated by the time the user is ready to finalize the asset into inventory.
- Enter the quantity of the asset in the Unit of Measure (UoM) indicated
- Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
- Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected
- System Group Comment
- Add a system group comment if desired
- Impact to Mission
- Select a code/rating
- Risk to Mission
- Select a code/rating
- Rigor of Use
- Select a code/rating
- Regulatory Liability
- Select a code/rating
- Condition Code
- Select a code/rating
- Campus Asset ID
- Enter the campus CMMS Asset ID if desired
- Campus Asset Name
- Enter the name of the asset as it appears in the campus CMMS
- Reference Location
- Enter a reference location if helpful
- In Service Date
- Enter the date the asset went into service
- Click the Save button
- It is good practice to Save the record while working on it and when moving on to the next record type
IF you are satisfied with the record and are done working at the Building, go to the General tab at the Building
- Note that the Status is Revision In Progress
- To reactivate the building and change the status to Active, click the Activate button, this will lock down the record
6. Editing a BSI
If the ICAMP/Asset manager becomes aware of a change that needs to be made to an existing asset in a building or structure they should review the record and update it accordingly
Step-by-Step Instructions
If you know the BSI ID, go to the Building System Item Page
- Enter the BSI ID and click Apply Filters or Enter on your keyboard to display the record
Click on the record to open it
Otherwise, go to the Building or Structure Page
- At the record, click on the Assessment tab,
- Click the Revise link,
- Go to the Building Systems Items sub-tab and locate the record to be edited
Click on the Record to Open it
Before Updating the record
- Be mindful that all of the key fields will be available to edit and, if you change a field, the system will not maintain a history of previous values, so be sure to make changes carefully and intentionally
- Do not change the record ID
- When making changes to the name, adhere to the general standard of “asset type, capacity/material, location information”
7. Basic BSI Record Changes
Basic Changes to the BSI include:
- Name
- Description
- System Group Comment
- UC Asset Details
- Campus Asset ID
- Campus Asset Name
- Campus Nameplate
- Reference Location
- In Service Date
8. Record Quantity Changes
Note: When making a change to the BSI quantity, determine if there is an associated Opportunity in place and if the quantity deficient needs to change as well. If the quantity deficient needs to change, this will impact the total cost at the Opportunity and will require navigating to the Opportunity and Cost Estimate Line Items records to make the appropriate quantity changes and saving the records to ensure the total costs are recalculated
With the BSI record open, note the existing quantity, unit of measure and if there is an associated opportunity record, its total estimated cost
For a quantity change at a BSI without an associated opportunity, update the quantity based on the unit of measure displayed
IF there is an associated Opportunity
- Update the BSI quantity in the unit of measure displayed

Open the associated Opportunity record (from the BSI, Opportunity sub-tab)
- If the Opportunity is in Active status, click the Revise button
Note the current Quantity Deficient and Total Estimate Cost

Update the Total Quantity Deficient (and save the record)
- Notice the Total Estimated Cost does not change

At the Opportunity, go to the Solution section and Open the Solution
- Note the Solution Cost has not changed
At the Solution\Estimate Manager Record, note the Total Estimate Cost has not been updated and the Cost Estimate Line has not been updated
Open the Cost Estimate Line Item and note the Quantity and Total Adjusted OP Cost fields have not been updated

Update the Quantity to match with the Quantity Deficient entered at the Opportunity and Save the record

Note the Total Adjusted with OP Cost has been updated based on the new quantity entered
Save and Close the CELI
At the Estimate Manager\Solution record, note that the Total Estimated Cost has not been updated
Save the Estimate Manager record
Note, the Total Estimate Cost at the Estimate Manager has been updated and now agrees with the Cost Estimate Line Item
- Save and Close the Estimate Manager record
- At the Opportunity record, note that the Total Estimated Cost has not been updated
- Save the Opportunity record

Note the Total Estimated Cost and In-House and Contractor Costs have now all been updated to reflect the new quantity deficient
IF at this point all the changes at the Opportunity that need to be made have been completed, move the Opportunity back to an Active status
- Click the Activate button
8.1. BSI Record Rating Changes
IF making changes to a BSI’s Ratings, when there is not an Opportunity associated, make the change and save the record
- Go to the Rating, click on the search button (magnifying glass)
- Select the desired rating
- Save the record
Note the rating score has been changed and the Total BSI Rating score has been recalculated
IF the BSI has an associated Opportunity, make the rating changes at the BSI, but also verify the changes have been updated at the Opportunity
- At the BSI record and note the current ratings and Total BSI Rating Score
Open the associated Opportunity record, note the BSI Ratings the Total Rating Score and Color

At the BSI, update the BSI Rating(s)
- Search and select a new rating
Save the record
Open the associated Opportunity Record to verify the BSI Rating and Total Rating Score have been updated
Close the Opportunity record (X button)
Save or Save and Close the BSI record
- When working on the record it is good practice to click the Save button as changes are made
- When you have completed work on the record click on the Save and Close button to save the changes and close the record
8.2. Changing a BSI’s Building System Catalog Classification (BSC) – BSI Only
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to change the BSI’s underlying Building System Classification (BSC).
This may be due to choosing the incorrect BSC catalog item when the BSI is first created, or in some cases, a new catalog item has been created since the asset was assessed or first created, that is a better fit
Note: If there is an Opportunity associated with the BSI, see “Asset (BSI) Updates Changing a BSI and Associated Opportunity’s BSC”
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler will be changed to Gas 2000MBH Boiler
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Open the BSI record
- On the General Tab, at Section Building System Class, click the Change BSC button
NOTE: At the Building System Class Section, you will see the current Building System Class ID and Name in use. After the BSC change is made, you will see the updated values based on the new selection
At the Building System Class window, enter the BSC ID or Name (or partial name) of the catalog item you will be changing the BSI to
- Select the radio button for the item
- Click the OK button
- Click the Save button
The BSC now reflects the new BSC selected
Update the BSI record where necessary
- More than likely the name will need to be modified to reflect the new BSC catalog item selected (in this case, 250MBH should be changed to 2000MBH)
- Determine if any details in the description need to change based on the new BSC selected
- If the new BSC selection has a different Unit of Measure than the original, then a new Quantity should be determined and entered accordingly
- Note: Do not change the Unit of Measure, only update the quantity to if the unit of measure has changed
Other fields to consider changes to may include
- Campus Nameplate
- In Service Date
- System Group Comment
- BSI Ratings
- Campus Asset ID and Name
8.3. Changing a BSI and its Associated Opportunity’s Building System Class (BSC)
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to change the BSI’s underlying Building System Classification (BSC) and the associated Opportunity’s BSC
This may be due to choosing the incorrect BSC catalog item when the BSI is first created, or in some cases, a new catalog item has been created since the asset was assessed or first created, that is a better fit
Note: If there is an Opportunity associated with the BSI, see “Asset (BSI) Updates Changing a BSI and Associated Opportunity’s BSC”
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler will be changed to Gas 2000MBH Boiler
Step-by-Step Instructions
- Open the BSI record
- On the General Tab, at Section Building System Class, click the Change BSC button
NOTE: At the Building System Class Section, you will see the current Building System Class ID and Name in use. After the BSC change is made, you will see the updated values based on the new selection
At the Building System Class window, enter the BSC ID or Name (or partial name) of the catalog item you will be changing the BSI to
- Select the radio button for the item
- Click the OK button
- Click the Save button
The BSC now reflects the new BSC selected
Update the BSI record where necessary
- More than likely the name will need to be modified to reflect the new BSC catalog item selected (in this case, 250MBH should be changed to 2000MBH)
- Determine if any details in the description need to change based on the new BSC selected
- If the new BSC selection has a different Unit of Measure than the original, then a new Quantity should be determined and entered accordingly
- Note: Do not change the Unit of Measure, only update the quantity to if the unit of measure has changed
Other fields to consider changes to may include
- Campus Nameplate
- In Service Date
- System Group Comment
- BSI Ratings
- Campus Asset ID and Name
Save the record
Go to the Opportunity sub-tab and click on the Opportunity record to open it

At the Opportunity record
Click the Revise button to move the record into Revision in Progress
At the Building System Class section
- Verify the BSC ID and Name have been updated
- Note the BSC ID it will be needed when updating the Solution and Cost records
- In this case the BSC ID is: D30231802070
At the Total Costs and Risk Rating Analysis section
- Note the current costs of the opportunity
Name and Description
- Update the name and description to reflect the new BSI/BSC information
Opportunity Ratings
- Determine if any ratings need to be updated, if so, select the new ratings where appropriate
- Determine if the quantity deficient has changed, especially if the Unit of Measure is different
Save the record
At the Solutions Section
- Click on the Solution record to open it
- At this juncture, the Solution (Estimate Manager) and Cost Estimate Line Items are still reflecting the former Assembly cost information and will need to be updated

Change the Assembly
Go the Search section
- Delete the Line Item Number
- Replace it with the new BSC ID noted at the Opportunity (D30231802070)
- At the Building System Class click the Delete (Circle/X) button
- Enter the BSC ID (D30231802070)
- Click enter
- This will insert the BSC ID and Name
- This will update the Assemblies (Activity Cost items) available for this BSC item
At the UC Assembly Data Section
- Hover over the comparable Activity Cost item
- Note that the Assembly now displays the Replace Boiler Gas 2000 MBH Activity
At the Cost Estimate Section
- Note that the current Cost Estimate still reflects the former BSC-Assembly and also may contain any Cost Adder adjustments
- We will keep the current Cost Estimate in place for reference until we have created the new Cost Estimate
Create a new cost estimate line item

- At the Estimate Manager, at the UC Assembly Data section
- Select the new Assembly
- Click the Add button
- This will generate a 2nd Cost Estimate line item
Open the Original Cost Estimate Line Item to review the Cost Adder information and determine if it is still relevant, if so, note it and you can use it to update the new Cost Estimate Line Item
In this example, there is one cost adder included
You can open the cost adder by click on the Open to Window Icon

Open the Cost Adder
Note that the Cost Adder Name, Percentages, Amounts and Comment these should be evaluated and if necessary, they will be included in the New Cost Estimate Line Item
- System Complexity (Extra High)
- Labor % is 100
- Material % is 100
- Equipment % is 100
- Labor Amount is $0
- Material Amount is $0
- Equipment Amount is $0
- Comments is blank (in this case, it is unfortunate that the user who created the Adder, me-Rich Powers, did not include a comment, because it would be helpful to know what the adder was intended to reflect)
- Close the Cost Adder click Save and Close
- Close the Original Cost Estimate Line Item click Save and Close
Open the new Cost Estimate Line Item
- Quantity
- Verify the Quantity deficient is accurate
- At Labor, Material and Equipment Adjustment (Cost Adder) click the Quick Add button to add a Cost Adder

Select the Appropriate Adder (in this case, System Complexity Extra High) then click the OK button

Validate the Percentages and dollar amounts are consistent with the Original Estimate
- NOTE Users can modify the percentages and dollars after the Cost Adder is in place, so the default values of the Cost Adder may be different and need to be updated to reflect the Original % and dollar amounts
- In this case, the percentages and dollar amounts are consistent with the original cost estimate line item adder
- Comment can be left blank, or if the original creator/assessor is available and a comment about why the adder was included can be ascertained, then it should be entered

Click Save to allow the Cost Estimate to recalculate based on the Adder selected
- Note the new Cost

Click Save and Close to close the new Cost Estimate Line Item
Remove the Original Cost Estimate Line Item
Select the Original Cost Estimate by checking the box
- Click on the Remove button
- Only the new Cost Estimate should be in place

Notice, that the Total Estimated Cost still reflects the original Cost Estimate

Update the Total Estimated Cost
At the Estimate Manager click on the Save button
- This is an important and required step to make sure the Total Cost is Updated
- This will recalculate the Estimate Manager using the new Assembly and Cost Adder information
Close the Estimate Manager by clicking the Save and Close button
View the Total Costs at the Opportunity
- Notice that the Opportunity still reflects the original cost details

Update the Total Costs at the Opportunity
At the Opportunity click on the Save button
- This is an important and required step to make sure the Total Cost is Updated
- This will recalculate the Opportunity using the new Assembly and Cost Adder information based on the work done at the Estimate Manager and Cost Estimate Line Item

Notice that the Total Estimate Cost is now up to date
Notice that the Total In-House and Contractor Project Costs have also been updated based on their respective indices
Move the Opportunity back to Active Status
- If you are satisfied with the changes made to the Opportunity, Solution and Cost Estimate Line item
- Click on the Activate button
- This will move the record from Revision In Progress, back to Active
- This will save and close the record

At the BSI record, notice the associated Opportunity record now reflects the updated opportunity name and cost changes in the display
Save and Close the BSI
- If there are no additional changes required at the BSI, click the Save and Close button to close the BSI
8.4. Moving a BSI to a Different Building or Structure
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to move a BSI from one building or structure to another
This may be due to creating the BSI in the wrong facility, or in some cases reflecting that an asset is literally being moved to a different facility because it is no longer needed at the current facility but is still has remaining life that could be used in a different facility
Note: If there is an Opportunity associated with the BSI move, depending on how the Opportunity needs to be dispositioned, see either “Moving a BSI and Associated Opportunity to a Different Building or Structure” or “Moving a BSI to a Different Building or Structure and Retiring an Associated Opportunity”
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler needs to be moved from ICAMP Building 1 to ICAMP Building
Step-by-Step Instructions
It is recommended the user writes down\notes the “Facility Name” they intend to move the BSI to in advance of starting the move, since they will want to have that value available when asked to locate the new facility
- In this example, the BSI is being moved to: Building 2
Open the BSI record
- Go to the Building System Item page and enter the BSI ID
- Or find the BSI by going to the Facility/Assessment tab, go to the Building System Items sub-tab and enter the BSI ID
- Note in either view, notice that the Opportunity Cost field is empty, indicating that the BSI does not have an associated opportunity
- However, after the BSI record is opened, it is good practice to verify that an Opportunity actually is not in place. There will be cases where an Opportunity has not been costed out and will appear with a $0 value
Click on the record to open it
1.For reference, view the current facility location information

Verify the BSI does not have an associated opportunity in place
- Go to the Opportunities sub-tab
- The Opportunity list should be empty
Initiate the BSI move
- Go to the More button/dropdown at the top right corner of the form
- Select Move BSI

Select the Building where the BSI will be moved to
- At the BSI Move Request form
- Go to New Building field
- Click the Search button (magnifying glass)

Search for the Facility Name

At the Name Field, type in the Facility Name that was noted at the beginning of the instructions, in this case: Building 2
- Most users will only see the facilities at their campus and will not need to scroll through many or any other facilities
- In any case, it is most efficient to have the facility name beforehand so that the facility can easily be located
- If you need to see more records on the page, go to the list drop down at the top right of the form and increase the number of records displayed
Select the Facility by clicking on the radio button
Click the Accept button
Verify the Building Name is correct and then submit the change
Click the Submit button
Verify the BSI has been moved to the intended facility

You can also go to Building 2 and verify the BSI was moved correctly
Save or Save and Close the BSI record
8.5. Moving a BSI and Associated Opportunity to a Different Building or Structure
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to move a BSI and an associated Opportunity from one building or structure to another
This may be due to creating the BSI in the wrong facility, or in some cases reflecting that an asset is literally being moved to a different facility because it is no longer needed at the current facility but is still has remaining life that could be used in a different facility
Why move the opportunity too? Perhaps, the asset just needs repair to restore it to good working condition, and that could be more cost effective than buying a new asset at the new location
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler and its associated Opportunity need to be moved from ICAMP Building 1 to ICAMP Building
Step-by-Step Instructions
- It is recommended the user writes down\notes the “Facility Name” they intend to move the BSI to in advance of starting the move, since they will want to have that value available when asked to locate the new facility
- In this example, the BSI is being moved to: Building 2
- Open the BSI record
- Go to the Building System Item page and enter the BSI ID
- Or find the BSI by going to the Facility/Assessment tab, go to the Building System Items sub-tab and enter the BSI ID
- Note in either view, notice that the Opportunity Cost field has a dollar value, indicating there is an Opportunity associated with the BSI
However, after the BSI record is opened, it is good practice to verify that an Opportunity actually is in place and that it should be moved to with the BSI
Click on the record to open it
For reference, view the current facility location information
Verify the BSI’s associated opportunity is in place
- Go to the Opportunities sub-tab
- The opportunity list should include the associated opportunity, or in some cases more than one. In this example, there are two opportunities in place, and both will be moved. Notice one opportunity is in retired status and the other is active

Initiate the BSI and Opportunity move
- Go to the More button/dropdown at the top right corner of the form
- Select Move BSI
Select the Building where the BSI will be moved to
- At the BSI Move Request form
- Go to New Building
- Click the Search button (magnifying glass)

Search for the Facility Name

At the Name Field, type in the Facility Name that was noted at the beginning of the instructions, in this case: Building 2
- Most users will only see the facilities at their campus and will not need to scroll through many or any other facilities
- In any case, it is most efficient to have the facility name beforehand so that the facility can easily be located
- If you need to see more records on the page, go to the list drop down at the top right of the form and increase the number of records displayed
- Select the Facility by clicking on the radio button
- Click the Accept button
- Verify the Building Name is correct and then submit the change
Click the Submit button
Verify the BSI has been moved to the intended facility
aVerify the Opportunity’s Location has been changed
i. At the BSI record, go to the Opportunity sub-tab
ii. Open the Opportunity record
iii. Go to the Building section to verify the Opportunity shows the desired location

Close the Opportunity Record (at top right of form, click the X button)
Save or Save and Close the BSI record
8.6. Moving a BSI to a Different Building or Structure and Retiring an Associated Opportunity
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to move a BSI to a different building or structure to another, and retire the associated Opportunity
This may be due to creating the BSI in the wrong facility, or in some cases reflecting that an asset is literally being moved to a different facility because it is no longer needed at the current facility but is still has remaining life that could be used in a different facility
Why Retire the opportunity? Perhaps, the Opportunity will no longer be relevant post-move and can be retired or because of the new location may require creating a new and different opportunity
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler needs to be moved from ICAMP Building 1 to ICAMP Building 2 and the Opportunity associated to the BSI needs to be retired
Step-by-Step Instructions
- It is recommended the user writes down\notes the “Facility Name” they intend to move the BSI to in advance of starting the move, since they will want to have that value available when asked to locate the new facility
- In this example, the BSI is being moved to: Building 2
- Open the BSI record
- Go to the Building System Item page and enter the BSI ID
- Or find the BSI by going to the Facility/Assessment tab, go to the Building System Items sub-tab and enter the BSI ID
- Note in either view, notice that the Opportunity Cost field has a dollar value, indicating there is an Opportunity associated with the BSI
- However, after the BSI record is opened, it is good practice to verify that an Opportunity actually is in place and that it should be moved to with the BSI
Click on the record to open it
For reference, view the current facility location information
Open the Opportunity record
- Click on the Opportunity record
Retire the Opportunity record

Click on the More/dropdown button
Select Retire
At the dialogue box, click the Continue button

This will move the Opportunity status to retired
This will close the Opportunity record
Verify the Opportunity is Retired
- At the BSI Opportunity sub-tab
- Verify the Status of the Opportunity is Retired

Open the Opportunity record
Verify the Status of the Opportunity is Retired

Close the Opportunity record (Click the X button)
Retire the BSI

Note in this example, the BSI Status is currently Active
- Go to the More button/dropdown
- Select Retire
- The record will automatically close
Verify the BSI is in Retired status
- At the facility record, go to the BSI sub-tab
- Enter the BSI ID, click Apply Filters button or enter
- The BSI inventory will not display the BSI record (this view only shows Active BSIs)

To view the Retired BSI Record and confirm the status change
- Go to the Building System Items page
- At the Page Report Dropdown, select the report view, “Building System Item-Retired”

Enter the BSI ID, click Apply Filters or the Enter key

Click the record to open it and view the Status

If for some reason, you incorrectly retired a BSI
- Click on the Unretire button

The BSI will be moved back to Active Status

Save or Save and Close the record
If for some reason, you incorrectly retired the associated Opportunity
- At the BSI, go to the Opportunity sub-tab

Click on the Opportunity to open it

Note the status is Retired
Click on the Unretire button
- This will move the record status back to Active

8.7. Un-Retire a BSI
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to Un-Retire a BSI. This may be the result of an BSI that was retired in error.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To find the Retired BSI Record
- Go to the Building System Items page
- At the Page Report Dropdown, select the report view, “Building System Item-Retired”

Enter the BSI ID, click Apply Filters or the Enter key

Click the record to open it and view the Status

Un-Retire the BSI
- Click on the Unretire button
The BSI will be moved back to Active Status
Save or Save and Close the record
8.8. Add (Upload) an Asset Photo
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need add a photo to a BSI. This may be due to an asset replacement or repair, which would be an appropriate time to include an updated picture of the asset
Step-by-Step Instructions
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded

Open the file by clicking on the new record