Executing Completed Deferred Maintenance Opportunities
Over time, it is expected that the ICAMP\Asset manager will be tracking Opportunities that are funded and being worked, and that eventually these opportunity projects will be completed. As they are, the ICAMP\Asset manager will update both the Asset (BSI) and Opportunity inventories to reflect the changes
- ICAMP has created a simplified “App” within Tririga to support the most likely Executed DM Scenarios and this section covers how and when to use the “App”.
- For scenarios not supported in the “App”, users can reflect other Executed DM Scenarios using the standard/traditional Tririga records and change processes
1. Opportunity Handoff and Tracking with the Project Implementation Teams
- It is assumed that the ICAMP PM\Asset manager will work with their local organizational counterparts (Design & Construction and Facilities) to set up a process to handoff and track Opportunities throughout the local project implementation process
- At a minimum, as Opportunities get handed off to the respective implementation group, the ICAMP PM\Asset manager should provide Opportunity IDs and request that project documentation includes these IDs for ongoing tracking purposes
- It is recommended that ICAMP\Asset managers set up recurring meetings with their respective project teams to gather information and status, including
- Identify the local system that stores the team’s project information
- Where possible, obtain access to the system
- Where possible, arrange for a status report for the projects that need to be tracked
- Project Team’s Project ID & Name
- Identify the projects that need to be tracked that contain the ICAMP Opportunity IDs being executed
- Project Timeline Information
- Expected Start Date
- Actual Start Date
- Expected Completion Data
- Actual Completion Date
- Project Budget & Cost Information
- Expected Budget
- Actual Cost
- Identify the local system that stores the team’s project information
2. Gathering the Necessary Information Required to Complete Opportunities and Update Asset Information
- It is assumed that when the ICAMP\Asset manager becomes aware of completed DM projects and gets ready to update completed Opportunities in Tririga, they would gather the necessary information to update Tririga, PRIOR to initiating work in the App.
- Data to gather would include:
- Facility Type: Building or Structure
- Facility Name
- Building CAAN, Structure ID, Building Key or Structure Key
- Opportunity ID and Name
- Opportunity (Project info) Disposition
- Was the asset replaced per the opportunity
- Was a different asset installed
- Was a partial replacement done vs full replacement
- If so, how much remediation work remains? What is the remaining Total Quantity Deficient?
- BSI ID and Name associated to the Opportunity
- Was the asset replaced with the same type of asset or a different one
- New Asset Information
- Building System Class
- Material
- Capacity
- In Service Date
- Condition
- Quantity installed in BSC Unit of Measure
- Picture of the new asset
- Building System Class
- Data to gather would include:
3. Navigating and Using the App
Access the ICAMP Opportunity Management App from the Portfolio Start Page
- Go the Main Tririga Menu and hover to expand it
- At Maintenance, click the drop down arrow to display the selection options
- Click on Opportunity Management to open the App

The ICAMP Opportunity Management App page will be displayed

Manage Completed Opportunities at either Building or Structure Facility Types
- The App supports completing DM opportunities at both buildings and structures
- Choose the Facility Type where the DM Opportunity resides by clicking either the Manage Buildings or Structures buttons

View Replacement History
The View Replacement History button is available across the App
As users begin to work in the App, a history of completed DM opportunity and asset replacement history will be created
- The history is stored locally on the user’s browser and is not currently stored in Tririga permanently
- Users should review their last changes in history to confirm actions were correctly recorded
Open Replacement History
- To access the historical information, click the View Your Replacement History button
- The historical activity will be displayed

The historical information includes
- Date
- The date the user made the update
- Opportunity ID(s)
- The Opportunity ID(s) of the executed\completed DM the user updated
- Replacement Type
- What type of replacement was initiated - Replaced with Same Asset or Replaced with Different Asset(s)
- Building (Facility)
The name of the building or structure where the DM opportunity and asset
Expand a record by clicking the arrow button

Review history for Replaced with Same Asset

To view the Opportunity that was completed, click the View Opportunity button

To view the BSI that was modified or added, click the View BSI button

Review history for Replaced with Different Asset(s)

Users can view each record type by clicking on the desired button
- The Opportunity record
- The old BSI that was replaced
- The new BSIs that were installed
Close Replacement History and Return to the Main App
- Click on the Return button to return to the main App

Search for Buildings or Structures
Regardless of which Facility Type was chosen, users are first presented the list of facilities (by name) at their campus
- Building Search
- Use the filter boxes at the top of the page to filter by campus and building name to find the building where the opportunity resides
- Select the desired Building by clicking on the radio button
- This will take the user to the Opportunity inventory associated to the building

Back to Facility Select Button
- Click the Back to Facility Select button to return to the main facility type selection page if/when needed

Search for Opportunities
Regardless of which building or structure was chosen, the user will then be presented with the inventory of opportunities at the facility, so they can select one or many opportunities to work
- Opportunity Search
- Use the filter boxes at the top of the page to filter by
- Opportunity ID
- Opportunity Name
- System Group Comment
- Discipline
- Note: As discussed earlier in this section, best practice suggests knowing the Opportunity ID(s) before getting to this stage of the process in the App. This will eliminate uncertainty and unnecessary scrolling and record review
- Use the filter boxes at the top of the page to filter by
- Use the Page Advance at the top to navigate the list if it extends across multiple pages
- Use the Items to Display per Page dropdown to select more or fewer records to display
- Expand an Opportunity Record to see Additional Opportunity Information details by clicking on the arrow
- Use the Back to Facility button to select a different facility
- View Replacement History

- Select the desired Opportunity or Opportunities by clicking on the selection box located at each record
Selecting Replaced with Same Asset or Replaced with Different Asset(s)
- After the desired opportunity, (or multiple opportunities) is selected, the Replaced with Same Asset and Replaced with Different Asset(s) buttons will become active
- Depending on which type of Completed DM scenario is being worked, the respective button should be selected
- Note: As discussed earlier in this section, best practice suggests knowing the Opportunity/Project disposition before getting to this stage of the process in the App. This will eliminate uncertainty around which scenario button needs to be selected

- See the next section, “Executed DM Opportunity Scenarios Supported by the App”, for step-by-step instructions for the desired scenario that needs to be worked
4. Executed DM Opportunity Scenarios Supported by the App
This section details each DM Opportunity Execution scenario and walks the user through how to navigate the App to complete their updates
- It is assumed that the user has already familiarized themselves with the steps (see section 11.3) leading up to the point in the process where they have chosen either Replaced with Same Asset or Replaced with Different Asset(s) based on their initial preparation efforts
- As discussed earlier in this section, best practice suggests gathering the updated or new asset information needed to complete each scenario before getting to this stage of the process in the App. This will eliminate uncertainty and make completing the steps in each scenario much more straightforward
- As of April 2022, the App currently provides support for the following completed DM execution scenarios
Replaced with Same Asset (App)
- Replaced with Same Asset
- An Opportunity for an asset replacement has been executed and the same asset type has been installed consider this a like- for-like asset replacement
- The underlying Building System Class (BSC) has not changed
- Record Changes
- Opportunity is Completed
- Existing BSI is modified to reflect new asset information
- To initiate this scenario from the Opportunity selection page
- Make sure one Opportunity has been selected
- The Replaced with Same Asset button has been clicked

- The Replace with Same Asset Update page will be displayed to the user

- If needed, the user can view the Opportunity details by clicking the View Opportunity button

BSI Data: Review and if needed update
- In this scenario, the user will be updating the existing BSI record, since the same type of asset has been installed
- The existing BSI information in the record will be presented to the user and if they need, they can update it as needed to reflect the work done and new information acquired
- Section Fields:
- Name:
- BSI Description
- Quantity (Unit of Measure)
- System Group Comment
- Section Fields:

BSI Ratings: Review and if needed update ratings
- Condition Code for most assets, it would be expected that the condition code would need to be changed
- To initiate a rating change, click on the rating to display the dropdown of rating selections

- Asset Details: Review and if needed update details

Asset Lifespan: Review and update details as needed
- In-Service Date: The date defaults to the date which the user initiated the update. If that date needs to be changed, click on the date to pick another from the calendar widget
- Remaining Life Slider
- If a non-new asset is being installed, the user can use the slider to reduce Adjusted Life Expectancy of the asset by a desired number of years. This will reduce the RSMeans Remaining Life (in Years) on the BSI record
- If a new asset is installed and the Life Expectancy shown for the new asset seems too high, then they can user the slider to reduce the years expected

Submit Changes
- If you are satisfied with the updates made, click on the Submit Changes button
- By clicking the submit changes button,
- The Opportunity will be moved to a Complete Status
- The BSI edits will get saved to the existing BSI record

Verify Changes at View Your Replacement History
- Click the View Your Replacement History button to review and verify the changes

Click the View Opportunity button to verify the record is now in a Complete status

Click the View BSI button to view and verify the updates made to the record

In this example, Condition Code and Life Expectancy were updated
At the new BSI, update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date
- NOTE: At this time, the App does not provide users the ability to update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date, so users will need to do this after the new BSI(s) are created

Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected

Save the Record
Upload picture of the new asset
- Note: The App does not currently support file uploads, so users will need to go to the BSI to upload
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

5. Replaced with Different Asset, One-to-One (App)
Replaced with Different Asset, One-to-One
- An Opportunity for an asset replacement has been executed
- A different asset type has been installed and therefore the underlying Building System Class changes
- Record Changes
- Opportunity is Completed
- Original BSI is Retired
- New BSI is created, reflecting the new BSC, and is updated to reflect new asset information
To initiate this scenario from the Opportunity selection page
- Make sure one Opportunity has been selected
- The Replaced with Different Asset(s) button has been clicked

The Replaced with Different Asset, Replacement Type Selection dialogue box is displayed
- Select “One to One”
- Click the Continue button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSC Selection page will be displayed to the user

Select the new Building System Class (BSC)
- Since a different asset in being installed than the one originally in place, a new BSI will need to be created, starting with selecting a new BSC from the catalog
- Generally, asset changes will be made at Level 5, and users can click on that level to review other asset components to select from
- If, needed the user can click on any level of the BSC selector to navigate to a new selection by clicking the level and selecting a value
- Subsequent levels will be updated to reflect the level above’s selection
- In this example, the old 250MBH Boiler is being replaced with a 2000MBH boiler

Click the Proceed to Next Step Button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSI Update page will be displayed to the user

If needed, the user can view the Opportunity details by clicking the View Opportunity button

BSI Data: Review and update
- In this scenario, the user will be adding a new BSI record
- Note: Values from the old asset will be presented to the user for reference
- So it is recommended that all fields are reviewed closely, and updated to reflect the new asset’s information
- Section Fields:
- Name: should change to reflect the new BSC\Asset installed
- BSI Description: Add or modify details based on the new asset’s information
- Quantity (Unit of Measure): Verify the quantity in the unit of measure presented is correct or change it accordingly
- System Group Comment: Determine if changes need to be made or new information should be included
- Section Fields:

BSI Ratings: Review and if needed update ratings
- Condition Code for most assets, it would be expected that the condition code would need to be changed

To initiate a rating change, click on the rating to display the dropdown of rating selections

Asset Details: Review and if needed update details

Asset Lifespan: Review and update details as needed
- In-Service Date: The date defaults to the date which the user initiated the update. If that date needs to be changed, click on the date to pick another from the calendar widget
- Remaining Life Slider
- If a non-new asset is being installed, the user can use the slider to reduce Adjusted Life Expectancy of the asset by a desired number of years. This will reduce the RSMeans Remaining Life (in Years) on the BSI record
- If a new asset is installed and the Life Expectancy shown for the new asset seems too high, then they can user the slider to reduce the years expected

Submit Changes
- If you are satisfied with the updates made, click on the Submit Changes button
- By clicking the submit changes button,
- The Opportunity will be moved to a Complete Status
- The original BSI will be retired
- A new BSI will be created with the values entered in the above steps

Verify Changes at View Your Replacement History
- Click the View Your Replacement History button to review and verify the changes

Click the View Opportunity button to verify the record is now in a Complete status

At the Old BSI(s) Section Click the View BSI button to verify the old BSI was moved to a Retired status

At the New BSI(s) Section - Click the View BSI button to view and verify the updates made to the new BSI record
In this example, all of the primary fields were reviewed, and many were updated

Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected

Save the Record

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

6. Replaced with Different Assets, One-to-Many (App)
Replace with Different Assets, One-to-Many
- An Opportunity for an asset replacement has been executed
- More than one new asset has been installed
- The new asset’s building system classes could be different from the original asset Building System Class, and therefore the underlying Building System Classes could change
- Record Changes
- Opportunity is Completed
- Original BSI is Retired
- Multiple new BSIs are created, reflecting the new BSCs, and are updated to reflect new asset information
NOTE: This scenario may not be common, but there will be cases, where one asset is replaced by more than one. For example, campus policy may require that when a new boiler is installed a redundant one should be installed too.
To initiate this scenario from the Opportunity selection page
- Make sure one Opportunity has been selected
- The Replaced with Different Asset(s) button has been clicked

The Replaces with Different Asset, Replacement Type Selection dialogue box is displayed
- Select “One to One”
- At the Replacement Count field
- Enter the quantity of new assets being installed
- For example, if one old boiler was being replaced by two new boilers, the Replacement Count would be 2
- Click the Continue button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSC Selection page will be displayed to the user
- Note: Since the Replacement Count entered was 2, the App displays two BSIs for the user to update
- The active BSI is highlighted in a light blue color, the non-active is in the darker blue color
Select the new Building System Class (BSC)
- Since more than one asset is being installed the user will need to assign a BSC from the catalog to each asset being created
- Generally, asset changes will be made at Level 5, and users can click on that level to review other asset components to select from
- If, needed the user can click on any level of the BSC selector to navigate to a new selection by clicking the level and selecting a value
- Subsequent levels will be updated to reflect the level above’s selection
- Select the new BSC for the first BSI

Based on the BSC for the second BSI
- If the second BSI is a different BSC
- Click the Next BSI button
- Select the New BSC
- If the second BSI is the same BSC
- click the Apply to All BSIs button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSI Update page will be displayed to the user
- Note: Since more than one asset is being installed, the user will need to enter and update the data for each new BSI
- The number of BSIs displayed will reflect the Replacement Count entered at the Replacement Type Selection dialogue box
- The App starts the user at BSI 1 and when the updates have been made, they can click on the Next BSI button at the bottom of the page to start work on BSI 2, and so on, until the number of BSIs reflects the replacement count entered

If needed, the user can view the Opportunity details by clicking the View Opportunity button
- Reminder, in this scenario, there was only one Opportunity originally selected, so the same Opportunity is viewable at both BSI update pages

BSI 1 Data: Review and update
- In this scenario, the user will start by adding the first BSI record, BSI 1
- Note: Values from the old asset will be presented to the user for reference
- So it is recommended that all fields are reviewed closely, and updated to reflect the new asset’s information
- Section Fields:
- Name: should change to reflect the new BSC\Asset installed
- BSI Description: Add or modify details based on the new asset’s information
- Quantity (Unit of Measure): Verify the quantity in the unit of measure presented is correct or change it accordingly
- System Group Comment: Determine if changes need to be made or new information should be included
- Section Fields:

BSI Ratings: Review and if needed update ratings
- Condition Code for most assets, it would be expected that the condition code would need to be changed

To initiate a rating change, click on the rating to display the dropdown of rating selections

Asset Details: Review and if needed update details

Asset Lifespan: Review and update details as needed
- In-Service Date: The date defaults to the date which the user initiated the update. If that date needs to be changed, click on the date to pick another from the calendar widget
- Remaining Life Slider
- If a non-new asset is being installed, the user can use the slider to reduce Adjusted Life Expectancy of the asset by a desired number of years. This will reduce the RSMeans Remaining Life (in Years) on the BSI record
- If a new asset is installed and the Life Expectancy shown for the new asset seems too high, then they can user the slider to reduce the years expected

Click the Next BSI button to move to BSI 2

BSI 2 is now the active record and ready to be updated

View the Opportunity if need
BSI 2 Data: Review and update
- The user will now proceed with updating the second BSI record, BSI 2
- Note: Values from the old asset will be presented to the user for reference
- So it is recommended that all fields are reviewed closely, and updated to reflect the new asset’s information
- Section Fields:
- Name: should change to reflect the new BSC\Asset installed
- BSI Description: Add or modify details based on the new asset’s information
- Quantity (Unit of Measure): Verify the quantity in the unit of measure presented is correct or change it accordingly
- System Group Comment: Determine if changes need to be made or new information should be included
- Section Fields:

BSI Ratings: Review and if needed update ratings
- Condition Code for most assets, it would be expected that the condition code would need to be changed

To initiate a rating change, click on the rating to display the dropdown of rating selections

Asset Details: Review and if needed update details

Asset Lifespan: Review and update details as needed
- In-Service Date: The date defaults to the date which the user initiated the update. If that date needs to be changed, click on the date to pick another from the calendar widget
- Remaining Life Slider
- If a non-new asset is being installed, the user can use the slider to reduce Adjusted Life Expectancy of the asset by a desired number of years. This will reduce the RSMeans Remaining Life (in Years) on the BSI record
- If a new asset is installed and the Life Expectancy shown for the new asset seems too high, then they can user the slider to reduce the years expected

Submit Changes
- If you are satisfied with the updates made, click on the Submit Changes button
- By clicking the submit changes button,
- The Opportunity will be moved to a Complete Status
- The original BSI will be retired
- The new BSIs will be created with the values entered in the above steps

Verify Changes at View Your Replacement History
- Click the View Your Replacement History button to review and verify the changes

Click the View Opportunity button to verify the record is now in a Complete status

At the Old BSI(s) Section Click the View BSI button to verify the old BSI was moved to a Retired status

At the New BSI(s) Section - Click the View BSI button to view and verify the updates made to the new BSI records
- BSI Record 1

In this example, all of the primary fields were reviewed, and many were updated
- BSI Record 2

In this example, all of the primary fields were reviewed, and many were updated
At each of the new BSIs, update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date
- NOTE: At this time, the App does not provide users the ability to update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date, so users will need to do this after the new BSI(s) are created

Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected

Save the Records
Upload picture of the new asset
- Note: The App does not currently support file uploads, so users will need to go to the BSI to upload
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button
Upload picture of the new asset
- Note: The App does not currently support file uploads, so users will need to go to the BSI to upload
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

7. Multiple Opportunities, Replaced with Different Asset, Many-to-One (App)
Multiple Opportunities, Replaced with Different Asset, Many-to-One
- Multiple Opportunities for multiple asset replacements have been executed
- However, only one new asset has been installed
- The underlying Building System Class can change
- Record Changes
- Multiple Opportunities are Completed
- Original BSIs are Retired
- A new BSI is created, and is updated to reflect the new asset information
To initiate this scenario from the Opportunity selection page
- Make sure two or more Opportunities have been selected
- The Replaced with Different Asset(s) button has been clicked

The Replaces with Different Asset, Replacement Type Selection dialogue box is displayed
- Select “Many to One”
- Click the Continue button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSC Selection page will be displayed to the user

Select the new Building System Class (BSC)
- Since a different asset in being installed than the one originally in place, a new BSI will need to be created, starting with selecting a the BSC from the catalog
- Generally, asset changes will be made at Level 5, and users can click on that level to review other asset components to select from
- If, needed the user can click on any level of the BSC selector to navigate to a new selection by clicking the level and selecting a value
- Subsequent levels will be updated to reflect the level above’s selection
- In this example, the old boilers are being replaced with a new boiler

Click the Proceed to Next Step Button

The Replaced with Different Asset(s) BSI Update page will be displayed to the user
NOTE: The App displays each Opportunity chosed during the initial Opportunity Selection process
- The Active Opportunity, Opportunity 1, is in light blue
- To activate Opportunity 2, in dark blue, click on it

If needed, the user can view each of the Opportunities and their details by clicking on the desired Opportunity Number (1, 2, 3,) and clicking the corresponding View Opportunity button

BSI Data: Review and update
- In this scenario, the user will be adding a new BSI record
- Note: Values from the old asset will be presented to the user for reference
- So it is recommended that all fields are reviewed closely, and updated to reflect the new asset’s information
- Section Fields:
- Name: should change to reflect the new BSC\Asset installed
- BSI Description: Add or modify details based on the new asset’s information
- Quantity (Unit of Measure): Verify the quantity in the unit of measure presented is correct or change it accordingly
- System Group Comment: Determine if changes need to be made or new information should be included
- Section Fields:

BSI Ratings: Review and if needed update ratings
- Condition Code for most assets, it would be expected that the condition code would need to be changed

To initiate a rating change, click on the rating to display the dropdown of rating selections

Asset Details: Review and if needed update details

Asset Lifespan: Review and update details as needed
- In-Service Date: The date defaults to the date which the user initiated the update. If that date needs to be changed, click on the date to pick another from the calendar widget
- Remaining Life Slider
- If a non-new asset is being installed, the user can use the slider to reduce Adjusted Life Expectancy of the asset by a desired number of years. This will reduce the RSMeans Remaining Life (in Years) on the BSI record
- If a new asset is installed and the Life Expectancy shown for the new asset seems too high, then they can user the slider to reduce the years expected

Submit Changes
- If you are satisfied with the updates made, click on the Submit Changes button
- By clicking the submit changes button,
- The Opportunities will be moved to a Complete Status
- The original BSIs will be retired
- A new BSI will be created with the values entered in the above steps

Verify Changes at View Your Replacement History
- Click the View Your Replacement History button to review and verify the changes

At Opportunities, click the View Opportunity buttons to verify each of the Opportunity records are now in a Complete status
- Opportunity 1

- Opportunity 2

At the Old BSI(s) Section Click the View BSI buttons to verify each of the old BSIs were moved to a Retired status
- BSI 1

- BSI 2

At the New BSI(s) Section - Click the View BSI button to view and verify the updates made to the new BSI record

In this example, all of the primary fields were reviewed, and many were updated
At the new BSI, update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date
- NOTE: At this time, the App does not provide users the ability to update Last Inspected By and Last Inspection Date, so users will need to do this after the new BSI(s) are created

Last Inspected By
- Go to the field and type your name to see if you appear in the smart list, if you do, click on the name to populate
- Else, click on the Search\Select Magnifying Glass to bring up the list of users
- At Name, enter your Name and see if you appear in the list
- If you do not, contact the ICAMP support team
- Click the radio button on the row with your name
- Click the OK button to add your name
Last Inspection Date
- Enter the date you are creating the record, or when you know the inspection information was collected

Save the Record
Upload picture of the new asset
- Note: The App does not currently support file uploads, so users will need to go to the BSI to upload
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button
Upload picture of the new asset
- Note: The App does not currently support file uploads, so users will need to go to the BSI to upload
- At the BSI record, go to the Notes and Documents tab
- At the Related Documents section, click the Upload button

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

At the document upload manager, click Single Upload or Select Multiple Files for Upload, depending on how many pictures need to be added
- In this example, a Single Upload is selected

Click the Select File for Upload button

Select the Picture from your file manager

Name the document and submit
- Add a name: NEW Boiler, Gas 250MBH 1st floor Mech Room installed 3-27-22
- Click the Submit button

Verify the file was uploaded
- Go to the BSI, at the Notes & Document tab, and at the Related Documents section
- Verify the file has been uploaded
Open the file by clicking on the new record

8. Executed DM Opportunity Scenarios Not Supported by the App (Use Standard Tririga)
The App does not currently provide support for the following completed DM execution scenarios (as of April 2022), if and when these scenarios are supported in the App, ICAMP will notify users and update this guide and provide supplemental training
In the meantime, these scenarios can be executed by users in Standard Tririga.
Abandoned-In-Place (Standard Tririga)
When an Opportunity to remove an abandoned-in-place asset has been executed, users can follow the steps below to update Tririga
- Abandoned-in-place
- An Opportunity for an asset removal has been executed (completed) and no asset will be installed to replace it
- Record Changes
- Opportunity is Completed
- BSI is retired
- To initiate this scenario, note the Building ID, the Opportunity ID and associated BSI ID
- Go to the Building, then to the Assessment tab and to the Opportunities sub tab
- Enter the Opportunity ID and click enter to view the desired Opportunity
- Click on the Opportunity record to Open it

IF needed, to identify the associated BSI ID, follow the below steps
Navigate to the associated BSI record
- At the Opportunity, go to the Associations tab
Click on the yellow triItem button

Click on the gray triBuildingSystemItem button

Notice the Associated Records pane now shows a record(s) associated to the Opportunity
- Note it is possible that you will see more than one record. This is because the Opportunity may be associated to the BSI and a BSII (building system inventory item) that was created during the FCA process (more on this can be read in the FCA Section of the guide)
- When there are more than one records in the view, the BSI will be the lowest number ID in the list
Click the record to open it

Verify it is a Building System Item record (NOT Building System Inventory Item record)
You can also verify the Opportunity ID you are working on at the Opportunity sub-tab

Complete the Opportunity
- Click on the Complete button
- Note the Opportunity record is currently in an Active status

The Opportunity record is Completed
- To verify, Go to the Building, Assessment Tab, and Opportunities Subtab to view the opportunity status

Find the BSI to be Retired
- At the Building, go to the Assessment tab and to the Building System Items sub tab
- Enter the BSI ID and click enter to view the desired BSI

Retire the BSI
- Click on the BSI record to Open it
- Click on the More button, then on Retire
- Note the BSI record is currently in an Active status

The BSI record is retired and will no longer be available in the Building’s, sub-Building System Items display view