Second Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) Procedures
The following procedure will instruct users how to perform a Second FCA process on an building who's assets have been cataloged in a previous Facilities Conditions Assessment.
Second FCA Start
Login to Tririga
Go to the Locations section of your login page and click the Buildings link.

Type in the Building name of the building that requires a second FCA in the Property field, and then click the Apply Filters link.
Click the Building link.

Click the Assessment tab in the Building record.
Click the Revise link in the Assessment tab.
Go to the Building System Items section and click the Inspection Request link.
Click the radio button next to Facility Condition Assessment - Project in the pop-up Inspection Request: dialog box.
Click the Add All BSIs and Opportunities link in the Building System Item section.
NOTE: This action will add all existing BSIs and Opportunities for the building to your second FCA Project.
Scroll to the top of the Inspection Request: dialog box and click Create Draft and then Submit.

Your Second FCA Project has now been created.
IF for any reason you wish to only assess a specific number of assets in your second Second FCA, complete the following:
Go to the Build System Item section of the Inspection Request: dialog box and click the Find link.
Place a check in the check boxes next to the specific BSI's you want included in the Request and click OK.
Click the Create Draft link and then Submit link.

Activate the Building record.
Open the Second FCA Project Record
Go to the Facilities Condition Assessment section of your login page and click the Facilities Projects link.

On the Facilities Projects search screen enter the newly created project name in the Project Name field and press Enter.
Once you have located the project, click the project ID number.
On the Facilities Project General tab click the Schedule tab.

On the Project's Schedule tab go to the Project Tasks section, where you can see all three Tasks (Architectural, Electrical and Mechanical) for the Project
Click the Task or Tasks you wish to see.
In the Task enter you may enter the resources (specific personnel who will inspect the assets of the Task).
Please refer to the article How to Assign FCA Inspectors to a Work Task for instructions on how to add personnel resources to a Task.