Opportunity Updates
1. Add a New Opportunity to an Existing BSI
Although numerous assets and opportunities were created during the initial FCA, it is expected that the ICAMP/Asset manager will still need to create new opportunities when they are identified.
If the ICAMP/Asset manager becomes aware of new deferred maintenance and has checked the building or structure to confirm that the BSI is in inventory, but does not have an existing associated Opportunity, then they will need to create a new associated opportunity to reflect the DM that has been communicated to them.
Note: The example below will walk a user through creating an opportunity and assumes the ICAMP/Asset manager has located the BSI.
For this example, a Gas 250MBH Boiler needs to be replaced at the ICAMP Property, Building 1, CAAN 9999
Step-by-Step Instructions
Create an associated DM Opportunity
- At the BSI page, scroll to the bottom of the record, and click on the Opportunities sub-tab
- Click the Add button to create a new Opportunity
Opportunity record will open, click Create Draft
Update the Opportunity Record Information
Update the Opportunity Record Information
- Name
- The Opportunity name will pre-populate with the name from the BSI
- For Opportunities, it is good practice to enter what type of activity is recommended: e.g., Replace, Repair, Refinish... at the beginning of the name
- This will help future users/consumers of the data easily determine what the Opportunity need is
- Description
- Use the description to communicate why an opportunity is being created e.g., Boiler is leaking, boiler is working intermittently, numerous corrective maintenance tickets have been called in
- Here again, this will help future users/consumers of the data get a better idea of why the opportunity is being created and the actions suggested
- Condition Code
- Select a code/rating
- Deterioration Code
- Select a code/rating
- Urgency Code
- Select a code/rating
- Quantity Deficient
- Enter in the quantity deficient in the Unit of Measure shown
- This is an important value to make sure is entered and reflects the correct unit of measure
- Without this value, the Opportunity has no quantity to price against and will result in a $0 Total Cost Estimate
- Click the Save button
- Creation Criteria
- Scroll down the Opportunity record to the Creation Criteria sub-tab and select it
Select one or more criteria that apply for the opportunity being created
Click the OK button
Click the Save button
Create a Solution
- Scroll to the Solutions section of the page and click the Add button
This will open the Estimate Manager window/page
- Go the UC Assembly Data Section of the page
- Review and select the appropriate Activity Cost Assembly
- Click the Add button
- Save the Record
- At the Estimate Manager, Estimate Summary Section, you will now see a Total Estimated Cost
- At the Cost Estimate Section, you will now see the Assembly that was selected
Review the Cost Estimate Line Item and Include Cost Adders
- At the Cost Estimate section, click on the Cost Estimate Line Item record to open it
This will open the Cost Estimate Line Item record
- Go to the Labor, Material and Equipment Adjustment Section
- To include a “Cost Adder”, click the Quick Add button
- Select the Adder(s) that apply and Click OK
- Click the Save button
- At the Labor, Material, Equipment % or $ adjust as necessary
- At the Comment Section include a brief note on why the adder was included
- SAVE AND CLOSE THE RECORD If you are done working on the Cost Estimate Line Item
At Estimate Manager Save and Close the Record
At the Solution Section of the Opportunity validate that the Solution is marked as Default
At the Total Costs and Risk Rating Analysis section of the Opportunity
- Verify that the Total Estimated Costs along with the Total In-House and Total Contractor Project Costs have been populated
- If a $0 cost is showing review your work and make sure you have added a Total Quantity Deficient, or that the Solution is marked as Default, Save the CELI, Save the Solution, Save the Opportunity. If you are still having issues, contact ICAMP support
- Verify that the Total Rating Score and Color are in place
- Save the Record
IF you are satisfied with the Opportunity and are ready to move it from a Draft Status to the Active Status, click the Activate button. This will also close the record
At the BSI record, you can now see that the Opportunity Record is in place and is associated to the BSI
IF you are satisfied with the BSI and associated Opportunity records, click the Save and Close button to close the record
2. Add a New Opportunity and New BSI (“The Happy Path”)
See “Creating a New BSI (Asset) and Associated Opportunity (The Happy Path)”. This will provide step-by-step instructions for creating a new BSI and associated Opportunity when needed.
3. Edit an Opportunity
If the ICAMP/Asset manager becomes aware of a change that needs to be made to an existing Opportunity associated to a BSI they should review the record and update it accordingly
- When making changes to the record(s), it is good practice to save the record(s) as changes are made
- Always be sure to move an Opportunity record back to Active status after having made all the changes to the Opportunity required
- See “Moving the Opportunity Record to Active Status”
Step-by-Step Instructions
- If you know the Opportunity ID, go to the Manage Opportunities Page
- Enter the BSI ID and click Apply Filters or Enter on your keyboard to display the record
- Click on the record to open it
Otherwise, go to the Building or Structure Page
- At the record, on the Assessment tab,
- Go to the Opportunities sub-tab and locate the record to be edited
Click on the Record to open it
Revise the record to edit it
- Most Opportunities should be in an Active status
- To edit the record, it will need to be moved to Revision In Progress status
- Click on the Revise button
Verify the record is now in status Revision In Progress and is ready to be edited
4. Update the Opportunity Name and Description
- Modify the name to include the activity verb, e.g., Replace, Repair
- Modify or provide additional details about why the opportunity was created
Save the record
5. Update Opportunity Ratings
Note the existing ratings and Total Rating Score before the change

Populate or change a rating: Condition, Deterioration or Urgency
- At the rating, click on the Search button (magnifying glass)
- Select the desired rating

Save the record
Note the Rating and Score changed, as well as the Total Rating Score and Risk Rating Color

6. Update the Building System Item Ratings at the Opportunity
Note: To update the BSI Ratings at the opportunity the user will need to go to the BSI record associated with the Opportunity
Note the existing ratings and Total Rating Score before the change

Navigate to the associated BSI record
- At the Opportunity, go to the Associations tab
Click on the yellow triItem button
Click on the gray triBuildingSystemItem button
Notice the Associated Records pane now shows a record(s) associated to the Opportunity
- Note it is possible that you will see more than one record. This is because the Opportunity may be associated to the BSI and a BSII (building system inventory item) that was created during the FCA process (more on this can be read in the FCA Section of the guide)
- When there are more than one records in the view, the BSI will be the lowest number ID in the list
Click the record to open it
Verify it is a Building System Item record (NOT Building System Inventory Item record)
You can also verify the Opportunity ID you are working on at the Opportunity sub-tab
Note the current Building System Item Ratings and Total BSI Rating Score and Color
Save the record
Note the Rating and Score changed, as well as the Total Rating Score and Risk Rating Color
Save and Close the record
At the Opportunity, go to the General tab
Verify the BSI Rating Change and the updated Total Rating Score and Color

Save the record
7. Update Quantity Deficient
Note: Changing the quantity impacts the Total Cost of the Opportunity (Price x Quantity = Total Cost). So, the user will be changing the quantity at the Opportunity record and also at the Cost Estimate Line Item and recalculating the total costs by making sure each record (CELI, Estimate Manager\Solution and Opportunity are all saved)
Modify the quantity deficient at the Opportunity
If the quantity deficient is changed, you will need to go to the Cost Estimate Line Item and change the Quantity there too to match with the new quantity at the Opportunity
- Open the Solution
Open the Cost Estimate Line Item at the Solution
At the Cost Estimate Line Item, update the quantity to match the new quantity entered at the Opportunity

Note, the Total Adjusted with OP Cost will not be updated until the record is Saved
- Save the record

Note the Total Adjusted with OP Cost has been updated to reflect the new quantity entered
Save and Close the record
At the Estimate Manager/Solution Record
- Note, the Total Estimated Cost does not yet match the CELI
Save the Estimate Manager/Solution Record to recalculate the Total Estimate Cost
- Note, the Total Estimated Cost now matches the CELI
Save and Close the Estimate Manager record
At the Opportunity Record
- Note, the Total Estimated Cost does not yet match the Solution and CELI

Save the Opportunity record to update the Total Estimated Cost

8. Moving the Opportunity Record to Active Status
At the Opportunity Record that is in a status, “Revision In Progress”
- Click the Activate button
Note the record will close and the status will be updated to Active
- To verify open the Opportunity Record

9. Creating an Opportunity with a Manual Estimate – PENDING UPDATE
Coming soon
10. Completing Opportunities
See Section, “Executing Deferred Maintenance: Opportunity Management” for how to handle completing an Opportunity
11. Retire an Opportunity
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to Retire an Opportunity associated to a BSI. This may be the result of an asset that was taken out of service, or an Opportunity that was created in error
For this example, it is assumed the user has identified the BSI and needs to retire the erroneous Opportunity. Users who know the Opportunity ID they would like to retire can also go to the Manage Opportunities page to locate the record. Once the record is open, the instructions below apply.
Step-by-Step Instructions
At the BSI, identify the Opportunity to Retire
- Go to the BSI Opportunity sub-tab
- Verify the opportunity is in place
Open the Opportunity record
- Click on the Opportunity record
Retire the Opportunity record
- Click on the More/dropdown button
- Select Retire

At the dialogue box, click the Continue button

This will move the Opportunity status to retired
This will close the Opportunity record
Verify the Opportunity is Retired
- At the BSI Opportunity sub-tab
- Verify the Status of the Opportunity is Retired

Open the Opportunity record
Verify the Status of the Opportunity is Retired

Close the Opportunity record (Click the X button)
12. Un-Retire an Opportunity
From time to time, an ICAMP/Asset manager may need to Un-Retire an Opportunity. This may be the result of an Opportunity that was retired in error.
Step-by-Step Instructions
To find the Retired Opportunity Record
- Go to the Manage Opportunities page
- At the Page Report Dropdown, select the report view, “Opportunities-Retired”

Enter the Opportunity ID, click Apply Filters or the Enter key

Click the record to open it and view the Status

Un-Retire the Opportunity
- Click on the Unretire button

The Opportunity will be moved back to Active Status

Close the record (click on the X button)
13. Opportunity Solution Updates – Edit, Replace – PENDING UPDATE
Coming soon
14. Opportunity Cost Estimate Line Item Updates – Edit, Replace – PENDING UPDATE
Coming soon
15. Property, Building, Structure, and UC Catalog Updates (Contact ICAMP Support)
Typically, these records will not be modified by the ICAMP/Asset manager. If new records need to be added, modified or retired, please contact the ICAMP support team for help. We can review the change request and make sure that we have all of the necessary information and background context before initiating any changes