Look Up Tool in Tririga (Select Field Value-Magnifying Glass)

The Look Up Tool - Select Field Value-Magnifying Glass in Tririga is a way users may look up additional records and values located in other parts of the system that need to be entered in the record they are creating and/or updating.

For example:

1. Login to Tririga, locate a record that requires updating

Go to a section in the record that has a field requiring a value, and note the magnifying glass icon on the right-hand side of the field.

The magnifying glass icon denotes that this is a field that requires information from a drop-down menu or pop-up dialog box.

Click the icon.

A pop-up dialog box will display in the record, giving the necessary value for the field.

Just click OK to ensure the value will display in the necessary field.

Note: Clicking the X icon will clear the field of values if necessary.