Reset a User's Password in Tririga
The following article will instruct Tririga system administrators how to reset a user's system password.
Click Portfolio on the Main Menu, and then People.

Click the Employee link in the Related Links - People section.

Locate the employee who needs their password reset in the Employee List and click their name to open the Employee Record.

Click on the Association Tab in the Employee Record.

Click the triPeople yellow circle in the Association Tree for this employee.
Click My Profile in the Association Tree.

Click the top record link that now displays in the Records box to the left of the Associations Tree.

Click the My Profile tab in the My Profile: record for this employee.

Enter a password in the New Password field, and the same password in the Confirm Password field.

Click the Save & Close button.

Note: Allow at least 5 minutes for these changes to propagate throughout the Tririga system.