The UC ICAMP Asset & Cost Catalog and Uniformat Classification

The second building block in the ICAMP framework is the UC Asset and Cost catalog, which introduces a standardized approach for inventorying assets and costing out deferred maintenance.

  • As discussed in the facility asset management lifecycle process, it is important to inventory the built environment assets as they are installed, so that facilities, systems, and asset components can be accurately and easily managed through their lifecycle.
  • To support the ongoing inventorying process, ICAMP in conjunction with UC Davis, has developed the UC Asset and Cost Catalog:
    • A standardized and classified catalog of assets that is used to inventory assets as they are installed or assessed during the FCA process
    • A standardized catalog of costs for repair and replacement activities that are associated with each asset
    • Uses the Uniformat Building System Classification model to classify and categorize the asset catalog
    • Uses RSMeans Facility and Maintenance Repair Cost Catalog to further classify, define and cost assets and activities
  • By utilizing a standardized and classified catalog of assets and costs, UC is able to create a common view of the asset portfolio (“apples-to-apples”) which:
    • Supports stakeholder reporting and enables easy grouping, rollup and drill down across the base of assets
    • Facilitates and simplifies data analysis
    • Enhances and improves planning and budgeting capabilities (time, cost, activity)
    • Enables data-driven decision making across the asset lifecycle.

Overview of Uniformat and Asset Classification

  • Uniformat and RSMeans are industry standards for classifying building elements and site work assets and associated costs
  • The UC Asset and Cost Catalog is structured into a 5-Level hierarchy that deconstructs buildings and site work into easy to identify categories at Level 1.  Then each subsequent level provides a more detailed and focused view of the system, until the asset component is defined at Level 5:
    • Level 1:  Primary Building and Site Class
    • Level 2:  Major System Groups
    • Level 3:  Individual Systems
    • Level 4:  Asset Component Classes
    • Level 5:  Individual Asset Components
  • Level 1 of the Uniformat Classification System:
  • Example of a classified asset at Level 5:
  • Levels 1 to 3 of the Catalog:
  • To help identify and classify UC’s campus infrastructure, ICAMP introduced Primary Infrastructure Systems:
  • Unlike buildings which are identified by their name and capital asset account number (CAAN), very few infrastructure systems have a CAAN or a common reference name
  • To address this, ICAMP introduced a set of primary infrastructure systems that could be created for each campus within the location hierarchy
  • The primary systems also serve as a building (structure) class to help group the system elements
  • Once the infrastructure system is set up in the location hierarchy, each asset is then inventoried using the UC Asset and Cost Catalog
  • The UC Asset and Cost Catalog has been set up and configured within Tririga and is made up of two different record types
    • Assets, which are cataloged as Building System Class (BSC) records
    • Cost Estimates, which are cataloged as Assembly records
  • Each asset is associated to a cost estimate, or set of estimates, that represent common remediation activities e.g., repair, replace, refinish, install...

Building System Class (BSC) - Assets

  • Each asset also includes additional attributes that can be used to manage the asset across its lifecycle, including:
    • A unique UC catalog ID and standardized name
    • Standardized Unit of Measure
    • Standardized Asset Life Expectancy (or the expected frequency of replacement)
    • Standard Replacement Cost per Unit of Measure
    • Service Class: indicates which discipline (architectural, electrical, mechanical or infrastructural) would be responsible for the facility condition assessment or managing the asset type
    • Spec Class: a more genericized tag for grouping a class of asset components
    • Replacement Cost Source: indicates if cost was sourced from RSMeans catalog or the UC Davis team

Assemblies - Costs

  • Each Cost Estimate also includes additional details:
    • Unique ID and name
      • Where the ID equates to the Asset catalog ID
      • Where the name corresponds to the Asset and indicates the type of remediation work (Repair, Replace)
    • Cost per Unit of Measure
    • Labor costs
    • Material costs (of the asset/component)
    • Equipment costs that may be used as part of the remediation effort