Location Hierarchy
The Location Hierarchy page displays a hierarchical view of the whole UC portfolio which allows users to drill-down into a given campus and view and find building and structure records which can then be opened for closer review
From the Portfolio Start Page, click Location Hierarchy
The Location Hierarchy Page will be displayed

- Users can scroll the left pane of the page, and/or expand or collapse the radio buttons to show more or less sub-record detail. When a specific record is located, the user can click on the link to highlight it, and then go to the menu at the top of the pane and select “Open” to open the record

- Users can search or find records by clicking Control-F (on Windows) or Command-F (on a Mac) to activate the search box and type in a name or CAAN to advance to a given record

- Users can also use the detailed record view in the right pane to scroll records or type in search values under the headers to find specific records. Once a record is located, the user can click on the record to open it
- When a value is entered into the filter field, hit the Enter key to find a record or click on Apply Filters
- To undue a filter, click on Clear Filters
- Depending on how many items per page are displayed (which can be modified) a user can advance pages to see the next set of records at the bottom of the pane

- Helpful to know filters and values:
- Type: Indicates whether a facility is a building or infrastructure system
- Building: entering “building” into to filter box will display only buildings on the list
- Structure: entering “structure” into the filter box will display only infrastructure systems
- Name or Building Name: will allow users to find a building or structure by filtering on its name
- ID: will allow users to find a facility by filtering on the CAAN (for buildings) or by its ID for Structures(infra)
- Type: Indicates whether a facility is a building or infrastructure system
- Users can download or extract the list of records to Excel by clicking on the download icon