A majority of the ICAMP/Asset Manger’s activities will center around finding and viewing buildings and managing their associated assets (BSIs) and opportunities.
Using the building page will allow the user to view all of the buildings at the campus as well as find a specific building record to open, view and drill down into its contents
From the Portfolio Start Page, click Buildings
The Buildings Page will be displayed
Click a listed Building record:
- Common navigation controls
- Filterable fields for record search at the top of the page
- Download records to Excel
- Set items per page and advance page
- Page Report View Dropdown

- The report view dropdown contains multiple reports or views that can be selected from that will show different fields on the page or show different record statuses
- The FCA Program: Building Report
- Displays common building information (e.g., CAAN, Facility/Building Key and Name) along with information collected during the FCA process (e.g., number of levels, levels above and below ground, GIS coordinates) and the total base ICAMP opportunity costs at the building
- Helpful to know filters and values:
- FCA Program Filter
- Enter “State” to see all buildings that were assessed during the ICAMP FCA Phase 1 State-Space assessment
- Enter “Housing” to see all buildings that were assessed as part of a housing and dining FCA effort if this is or has taken place at the campus
- Enter “Medical” to see all buildings that were assessed as part of a housing and dining FCA effort if this is or has taken place at the campus
- Site Description
- Enter a site from the below list to see only those site-specific buildings
- FCA Program Filter

- Most users are familiar with the CAAN for a given building and can enter that ID to locate a specific building
- Facility Key (or Building Key)
- Some users may be familiar with the Building Key ID for a building and can enter that ID to locate a specific building
- Facility Name
- Users can find buildings by entering the name of the building
- Open and View Record and Close the Record
- Click on a specific Building record to open it and view its contents

- To Close the record, click on the Close Icon (x) at the top right of the page
Inventory of Building System Items (BSIs) at the Building
Knowing where to find, view and download specific building asset information will be an important activity for most ICAMP/Asset Managers
To view the Building System Items (BSIs) or assets inventoried at the building
- Click on the Assessment tab at the top of the building record
- Click on Building System Items
- View, scroll, filter and download the BSI records

- Most of the data that was collected during the FCA or that will be populated when a new asset is inventoried is available to filter on in the Building System Items list
- If a user is already accustomed with this data, then these fields will be very familiar
- For new users, this data will become recognizable as they spend more time in the system viewing and managing the records
Inventory of Opportunities at the Building
Knowing where to find, view and download specific building asset Opportunities (DM) will be an important activity for most ICAMP/Asset Managers
To view the Opportunities inventoried at the building
- Click on the Assessment tab at the top of the building record
- Click on Opportunities
- View, scroll, filter and download the Opportunity records
- Most of the data that was collected during the FCA or that will be populated when a new opportunity is created is available to filter on in the Opportunity list
- If a user is already accustomed with this data, then these fields will be very familiar
- For new users, this data will become recognizable as they spend more time in the system viewing and managing the records