Building System Items (BSIs)-Assets
A majority of the ICAMP/Asset Manger’s activities will center around finding and viewing Building System Items (BSIs) and managing associated opportunities.
Using the Building System Item page will allow the user to view all of the BSIs at the campus as well as find a specific BSI record to open, view and drill down into its contents.
From the Portfolio Start Page, click Building System Item
The Building System Item Page will be displayed
Since there are numerous BSIs at each of the campuses, the page is empty until the user enters a specific BSI ID or clicks Clear Filters. This improves overall system performance by not initially returning and displaying the full set of BSIs.
Entering a BSI ID and pressing the “Enter\Return” key or clicking on “Apply Filters” will return and display the specific BSI record
Clicking on the “Clear Filters” button will return the full inventory of both Building and Structure BSIs for a campus
- Common navigation controls
- Filterable fields for record search at the top of the page
- Download records to Excel
- Set items per page and advance page
- Helpful to know filters and values:
- Enter a unique BSI ID record number to return and display the item
- Facility Type
- Enter Building or Structure to see only BSIs associated to the desired facility type. In either case, all of the BSIs associated to that particular facility type will be returned for viewing
- Facility Key
- Enter a unique Building Key or Structure Key to see all of the BSIs associated with the facility
- Facility Name
- Enter the name of the facility to see of the associated BSIs
- Building System Item Name
- Enter in the name of an asset or component to see those BSIs with the same name
- FCA Program Filter
- Enter “State” to see all buildings that were assessed during the ICAMP FCA Phase 1 State-Space assessment
- Enter “Housing” to see all buildings that were assessed as part of a housing and dining FCA effort if this is or has taken place at the campus
- Enter “Medical” to see all buildings that were assessed as part of a housing and dining FCA effort if this is or has taken place at the campus
- Site Description
- Enter a site from the below list to see only those site-specific buildings

- Condition Code
- Enter a specific BSI condition code to see those BSIs that match the condition

- Building System Level 3 ID and Name and Building System Level 5 ID and Name
- As the user gains more familiarity with the ICAMP Catalog and Uniformat Classification framework, finding BSIs by their Uniformat ID or Name will become easier and more commonplace
- Service Class
- BSIs can be filtered by Service Class, or the discipline generally responsible for managing the item. The Service Class values are:
- Architectural
- Electrical
- Mechanical
- Infrastructural
- BSIs can be filtered by Service Class, or the discipline generally responsible for managing the item. The Service Class values are:
- Open and View Record and Close the Record
- Click on a specific BSI record to open it and view its contents
- To Close the record, click on the Close Icon (x) at the top right of the page