How-To Move Building System Items (BSIs) and Opportunities from One Building /Structure to Another
The following article will instruct ICAMP personnel on how they may move a Building System Item(s) (BSI) records and Opportunities from one building or structure to another.
Locating the BSI You Want to Move to a New Building
Login to Tririga.
Go to the Locations section of your page and click Building link.

On the Building Search page you may search for the Building record from multiple sources, either by the Build CAAN ID field or Facility Name.
Press the Apply Filters link to find the Building record you need.
Click the Building record link when you've located it.
Click the Assessment tab of the Building record.
Scroll down the Assessment tab to the Building System Items section.
You may search for the BSI you need to move in the following search fields:
- BSI Name
- BSI Description
- Reference Locations
NOTE: Or just scroll through the list of BSIs listed below.
When you have located the BSI you want to move, click the record to open it up.
Moving your BSI to a New Building
Click the More drop-down menu at the far top right of the BSI record.
Select Move BSI from the More drop-down menu.

Click the hour-glass icon next to the New Building field in the pop-up BSI Move Request: box to locate the new Building where you want to move this BSI to.

Enter the Building name in the Name field, click the radio button next to the selected Building link, and then click Accept.
Click Submit. This action will move the BSI from it's original Building to the new Building

SPECIAL NOTE: If you wish to Retire the Opportunity or Opportunities of the BSI being moved, check the Retire Opportunities box and click Submit. If you do not click the Retire Opportunities box, Opportunities assigned to the moved BSI will be moved to the new Building record along with the BSI.

To confirm that the BSI has been moved to it's proper Building go to the Location section of the BSI and check the Name and Hierarchy Path that will show you the BSI record's new location.