How to Create an Opportunity in an FCA Work Task
If an inspector has determined that an Inventory Item they are inspecting is deficient, then they will need to create an Opportunity within the Work Task to log the deficiency details and cost out the necessary replacement or repair work.
1. How to Create an Opportunity
A. Locate the BSII record where you need to create an Opportunity.
B. Scroll down the BSII record to the Units section, click the Opportunities min-tab.

C. Click the Add button in the Opportunities section to open up the Opportunity form.
D. Click the Create Draft button at the top right-hand corner of the new Opportunity record.
This action will save the Opportunity record.

2. Opportunity Type
Tririga will default to the Deferred Maintenance Opportunity Type, which will make up a majority of the Opportunities created. However, an Inspector can also create different Opportunity types, i.e. Capital Improvement, Code Update or Upgrade.
A. If you need to adjust the Opportunity Type of this Opportunity record click the Find button and select a new type from the pop-up dialog box.
B. Click the radio button next to the desired Opportunity type, and click the OK button.

3. Opportunity Ratings (Likelihood of Failure)
A. Condition Code: Go to the Opportunity Rating section, click the spy glass icon to the right of the E. Condition Code field, select a Condition Code from the drop-down menu.
The Opportunity Condition Code should always be equal to or less than the BSI Condition Code.

B. Deterioration Code: Click the spy glass icon to the right of the F. Deterioration Code field, select a Deterioration Code from the drop-down menu.

C. Urgency Code: Click the spy glass icon to the right of the G. Urgency Code field, select a Urgency Code from the drop-down menu.

Note: Urgency Codes have been simplified and no longer distinguish between Replace and Repair from previous versions of Tririga.
Urgency Code Rating Names have been changed to reflect the following “Priorities”
- Priority 1 Currently Critical (Within 1 Year)
- Priority 2 Potentially Critical (Within Year 2)
- Priority 3 Necessary Not Yet Critical (Years 3-5)
- Priority 4 Recommended (Years 6-10)
- Priority 5 Codes or Standard Compliance
Priorities 1, 2, 3 and 4 now give you a wider timeline to recommend when opportunities should be addressed
Priority 4 can be helpful when using the Capital Improvement or Upgrade Opportunity types and you are making a “recommendation” but it is not critical and does not need to be addressed in the next 1-5 years.
Priority 5 allows you to identify Code or Compliance issues, especially when the Opportunity Type is Code Update and the work is not a priority and\or if the existing installation is grandfathered.
- UR1, UR2, UR5 and UR6 were remapped to P1
- UR3, UR7 were remapped to P2
- UR4, UR8 were remapped to P3
4. Quantity Deficient
When recording a deficiency, an inspector will indicate the total Quantity Deficient observed. The quantity should be in the same Unit of Measure as the Inventory Item (BSII). This ensures that deficiency cost estimates can be properly calculated by Tririga.
A. Quantity Deficient: Enter in the quantity of the deficient item in the Quantity Deficient field.

5. Total Rating Score and Estimated Costs
Note the total rating score is listed in the Opportunity under the Total Rating Score section (the Total Estimate Cost will display after a Cost Estimate has been created later in the process).

The following Risk Color Categories of Green, Yellow and Red have been added to the Total Rating Score section of the Opportunity .
The Risk Category\Color Thresholds are set to:
- Green: 0 - 448
- Yellow: 449 777
- Red: Greater than 777
Now when end users of the FCA data want to identify the most critical Opportunities to address, they can easily look to the “red bucket” to determine what might be considered first up for Deferred Maintenance remediation.
6. Assigning Creation Criteria to the Opportunity
Opportunity Creation Criteria function may be used to identify why an Opportunity was originally created. One or more criteria may be selected.
A. Click the Creation Criteria tab underneath Solutions.

B. Click the Find button at the far right of the Creation Criteria section.
C. Place a check in the check box (or boxes) of as many Opportunity Creation Criteria selections as necessary then click the OK button.
D. The Opportunity Creation Criteria selections will now display in the Opportunity record.
7. Save and Create Draft
A. Click the Create Draft button at the top of the Opportunity form (If you have not already done so).

B. Click the Save button so that the Opportunity record will be saved in Tririga.
8. Creating a Cost Estimate
Now a Solution may be created for this Opportunity. Go to the next article, Creating the Cost Estimate Solution for Opportunities