How to Update Inventory Items (BSII) in an FCA Work Task

The following article instructs Inspectors on how to capture the necessary information required for completing an inventory item.  



1. Open Inspection Item

A. Go to the Inspection Items section of the Work Details tab and click the link for the name of the BSII Inspection Item you would like to update.

2. Updating the BSII

A. As an Inspector performs an inspection for a given inventory item (BSII) they will complete the following actions at the Inspection Details section on the record.  

Revised Quantity: Enter the quantity of the BSI Inspection Item in Revised Quantity field.  

When entering the quantity be mindful of the RSMeans Unit of Measure note at the right side of the field.  

B. Revised In Service Date:  Enter the date the inventory item went into service if it needs to be different from the default date already set in the field.   

In many cases, the Revised In-Service Date will be the same as the Current-In Service Date. Users will not have to re-type the Current In-Service Date into the Revised In-Service Date field.  It now automatically populates in both Tririga and FieldFlex.  Each system will also allow you to change the Revised In-Service Date when you need to.  

3. Entering in BSI Ratings (Consequence of Failure)

A. Go to the BSI Ratings section. Click the spy glass icon to the right of the Impact to Mission field. Select a rating from the drop-down menu.

B. Click the spy glass icon to the right of the Risk to Mission field. Select a rating from the drop-down menu.

Note: A new rating has been added to the Risk to Mission menu called called “None”. This can be used when you are inventorying an abandon in place asset which will not impact any particular risk type.  It’s score will be 0.

C. Click the spy glass icon to the right of the Rigor of Use field. Select a rating from the drop-down menu.

D. Click the spy glass icon to the right of the Regulatory Liability field. Select a rating from the drop-down menu.

E. Click the spy glass icon to the right of the Condition Code field. Select a rating from the drop-down menu

BSI Condition Code should indicate the condition of the total inventory of the element.

4. Review the Building System Class Information in the BSII

A. Review the following:

  1. Building System Class:  This is the Level 5 Uniformat ID and Name as it appears in the UC Real Property Catalog
  2. BSI Inventory Requirement: Indicates to the inspector whether or not an inventory item is always required to be inspected or just when it is deficient
  3. BSI Inventory Quantity As: Indicates how to create and quantify the inventory element for the BSI
  4. Replacement Cost Per UoM: The cost to replace one unit of the inventory based on RSMeans or UC data
  5. Life Expectancy:  Indicates the standard life expectancy for the inventory item based on RSMeans or UC data
  6. Service Class:  Indicates which discipline typically is responsible for assessing the inventory item

B. RS Mean Remaining Life:  If a Revised in Service Date has been entered, the system will automatically calculate how much remaining life is available on the inventory item based on the standard life expectancy (this calculation will only be performed after the BSII has been moved into a Completed status).

5. Associating Local Campus Assets to the Inventory Item (BSII)

This section is for those campuses that have elected to associate their local assets to the inventory being created during the FCA, and have uploaded those assets into Tririga as part of the campus setup and boarding activities.

A. Go to the Units section of the form and click the Assets tab.

B. At the Assets section, click the Find button.

C. Locate the Asset to be associated with this BSII in the Asset pop-up dialog box, place a check in the checkbox next to the Asset, and click the OK button.

D. UC Asset Details:

  • If an asset was selected above, some or all of the Asset details may be populated
  • If a local asset has not been associated, or if any fields are not populated, Inspectors should manually enter in any Asset information they can provide
    • Campus Asset ID: The local campus system record ID or Barcode ID  
    • Campus Asset Name: The local campus system record name
    • Campus Nameplate: The nameplate (or placard) affixed to the asset
    • Reference Location:   In addition to the building, floor and space assignment, use Reference Location, a free-form text field, to further distinguish and describe an Inventory Item's location.


E. If the user knows the GIS Latitude and Longitude of the building where the Asset is located, that data and be entered in the UC Asset Details section as well.


In most cases, inspectors would use the FieldFlex mobile application to assign geo tag location information.

6. Associating Inventory Items (BSIIs) to Locations

Each Inventory Item's location (Floor and/or Space) will be recorded as part of the inspection, this will ensure Inventory Item are more easily locatable during subsequent inspections and to support detailed asset-space reporting.

A. Go to the Units section again and click the Locations tab.

B. Click the Find button in the Locations section.

C. Assign a Floor and/or Space to the BSII:

1.   To assign a Floor only, locate the desired Parent Building and Floor Name, click the checkbox next to the desired Floor, and then click the OK button.

2.    To assign a Floor and Space, locate the desired Parent Building and Space Name, click the checkbox next to the desired Space, and then click the OK button.

7. Assigning an “Asset Spec” or standard name to the Inventory Item

Use the Asset Spec to assign a standardized name to the Inventory Item.  This naming standard will be applied across the UC system and will help with developing standardized inventory reporting.

A. Go to the Units section and click the Specification tab.

B. Click the Find button in the Specification section.

C. Search Spec Name field for the desired Specification Name. Place a check in the checkbox next to the Spec Name and click the OK button.

8. Entering a BSII Grouping Comment

Grouping helps bring together related Inventory Items and Opportunities for reporting, planning and managing project execution. It's used to indicate when multiple BSIIs should be viewed as a group or common set.

A. In the General section of the form enter a comment about the BSII grouping in the System Group Comment field.

9. Save the Inventory Item (BSII)

A. Click the Save button at the top of the record.

10. Completing the Inventory Item (BSII

The Inventory Item (BSII) should only be completed after the full inspection and assessment has been finished.  In cases where the inventory item is in good condition and no Opportunity needs to be created (e.g. no Deferred Maintenance replacement or repairs need to be costed out), then an Inspector can complete the BSII.

If an Inspector needs to create an Opportunity to capture the condition of an item and cost out any associated Deferred Maintenance replacement or repair, then they should leave the Inventory Item in a status of Active until the assessment and costing work has been completed.

A. IF the BSII Inspection Item is not deficient, in need of repair or replacement, (no Opportunity required) click the Completed button at the top of the record.