How To Generate a 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review Report
The following article shows FCA Inspectors and Quality Assurance Team personnel how to generate a 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review Report.
This report enables FCA personnel to evaluate and edit inspection data to make sure it is conforming to the overall ICAMP Program Standards.
1. Go to My Reports in Tririga
A. Login to Tririga
B. Click the My Reports tab on the home page of Tririga.

C. Click the Community sub-tab on My Reports.

D. Enter 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review in the Title text field and ICAMP in the Tag field and click the Apply Filters link.

E. Click the document icon to the left of the 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review report.

2. The 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review Report
A. Filter your search of this report by the following field:
- Building........
Click the Apply Filters link.
Where possible, when generating this report, always try to filter by Building. Doing so will prevent working with and saving too many records at one time which can impact overall system performance.

B. This action will generate the desired report.
C. Click the Export button at the bottom of the report screen to export it to an Excel spreadsheet.

3. Editing Tririga Records Within the Report
There are no editable fields for this report.
4. Report Contents Reference Information
Report Contents
► Building Name
- Name of the building the BSII belongs to
► Service Class
- Displays the service class of the BSII (Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.)
► BSC Level 3
- Displays the 3rd level building system class for the BSI
► Est. Mgr. ID
- The identifier for the Cost Estimate Manager
► Opportunity Name
- Verify adheres to standard
- If not, then can use the report “2 Opportunities Editable for All UCs” to modify as needed
► Estimate Manager Name
- Name of the Cost Estimate Manager
► Cost Estimate Line Name
- Name of the Cost Estimate Line Item
► Description
- This field should only include additional information or details about the asset. Do not use this field to describe its condition, what needs to be done to repair or replace the asset, or why an opportunity is being created (end of life, not functioning as designed) those details should be included in the opportunity description.
► Est. Mgr. Default for Opportunity
- Displays if the Cost Estimate Manager is the default for the Opportunity
► Opportunity ID
- The identifier for the BSII
► Cost Estimate ID
- The identifier for the BSII
► Opportunity Estimated Cost
- Displays the total estimated cost at the Opportunity
► Est. Mgr. Estimated Cost
- Displays the total estimated cost at the Cost Estimate Manager
► Cost Estimate Total Cost
- Displays the total estimated cost at the Cost Estimate Line Item