How To Generate a 1 BSII Inspector Closeout Report

The following article shows FCA Inspectors and Quality Assurance Team personnel how to generate 1 BSII Inspector Closeout Report.

This report enables FCA personnel to evaluate and edit inspection data to make sure it is conforming to the overall ICAMP Program Standards.

1. Go to My Reports in Tririga

A. Login to Tririga

B. Click the My Reports tab on the home page of Tririga.  

C. Click the Community sub-tab on My Reports.

D. Enter 1 BSII Inspector Closeout in the Title text field and ICAMP in the Tag text field and click the Apply Filters link.

E. Click the document icon to the left of the 1 BSII Inspector Closeout report.

2. The BSII Inspector Closeout Report

A. Filter your search of this report by the following fields:

  • Inspected By, or
  • Building

Click the Apply Filters link.

Where possible, when generating a report, always try to filter by Inspector and Building fields. Doing so will prevent working with and saving too many records at one time which can impact overall system performance.

B. This action will generate the desired report.

C. Click the Export button at the bottom of the report screen to export it to an Excel spreadsheet.

3. Editing Tririga Records Within the Report

A. The following fields in the BSII Inspector Closeout report may be edited or added to as necessary:

Editable Fields:

  • Inspector Notes
  • BSII Name
  • BSII Description
  • Comments
  • Reference Location
  • Campus Nameplate Data

For example:

IMPORTANT NOTE: Editing or adding any additional data to these fields in the report will update the records in Tririga and FieldFLEX.

4. Report Contents Reference Information

Report Contents

► Inspected By

  • The user who initiated the inspection of this BSII

► Service Class

  • Displays the service class of the BSII (Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.)


  • Name of the building the BSII belongs to

Inspector Notes

  • This field should only be used by inspectors to capture notes about the inspection and can include information on their progress, or things they may still need to obtain or do to complete the inspection:
    • For example:  at BSI, need pictures, get quote for opportunity, need to QA inspection


  • The identifier for the BSII


  • Standard:  What Asset (spec), Unique ID (Nameplate-#), Type (actual material), Capacity (actual capacity), Location (if rolled up)

BSII Description

  • This field should only include additional information or details about the asset.  Do not use this field to describe its condition, what needs to be done to repair or replace the asset, or why an opportunity is being created (end of life, not functioning as designed)  those details should be included in the opportunity description.

Locations (Pick Floor, Pick Space)

  • Field should display Floor and Space (room) indicated by inspector during FCA inspection

Reference Location

  • In addition to building, floor, and space, “Reference Location” further distinguishes a BSI’s position for future identification by inspectors and or other users of the information trying to better identify where an asset is located within or around a building

BSII Status

  • Status of the BSII record (Draft, Active, Retired, etc.)

System Group Comment:

  • This field is a free-form text field that should be used to indicate assets that can be considered as part of the same system and/or are related to each other from an area or space served, or connected to, or can be used to identify multiple structures associated with a single CAAN.

Campus Nameplate:

  • This field should be used to capture the name that has been given to the asset and appears on the tag\placard attached to the asset if available

Quantity and Unit of Measure (UoM):

  • This field displays the total quantity of the inventoried item in the Unit of Measure indicated

Impact to Mission:

  • When assigning a Mission Impact rating, consider what the impact to the mission will be if the asset fails

Risk to Mission:

  • When assigning a Mission Risk rating, consider what institutional mission type is at risk if the asset fails

Rigor of Use:

  • When assigning a Rigor of Use rating, consider what the asset’s operational usage profile is

Regulatory Liability:

  • When assigning a Regulatory rating, consider if a regulatory liability could result from the asset being out of compliance or from asset failure

BSII Condition Code:

  • When assigning the BSII Condition rating, consider what the overall condition is of the inventoried item
  • The BSII condition should always have a rating that is equal to or better than the Opportunity condition rating

Hierarchy Path

  • This field displays the hierarchy path of the location (e.g. \Locations\University of California\UC Berkeley\UC Berkeley\2000 Center Street)

Opportunity Name:

  • Verify adheres to standard
  • If not, then can use the report “2  Opportunities Editable for All UCs” to modify as needed

Opportunity Description (Justification):

  • This field should be used by inspectors to elaborate on the why the opportunity was created  what criteria were met, what has been observed that has caused you to create the opportunity, what are the consequences and likelihood of failure.

Opportunity Type:

  • Since the objective of the FCA program is to identify Deferred Maintenance, the system defaults the Opportunity Type to DM
  • However, some work may involve code issues, upgrades, or dealing with larger improvement projects.  In this case the inspectors can assign one of the other opportunity types
  • Always check to make sure the appropriate Opportunity Type has been selected

Opportunity Condition:

  • When assigning the Opportunity Condition rating, consider what the condition is of the deficient quantity of the inventoried item
  • The Opportunity condition should always have a rating that is equal to or less than the BSII condition rating
  • Typically, to warrant the creation of an opportunity, the condition of the inventoried item should be adequate or lower


  • When assigning the Deterioration rating, consider how deteriorated the asset is with respect to its physical condition, age, efficiency and performance

Qty. Def. and Unit of Measure:

  • This field should be used to capture the total deficient quantity of the inventoried item in the Unit of Measure indicated
  • Always check to make sure the quantity reflects the UoM of the cost assembly being applied, in some cases it will be different than the inventoried item UoM and create cost estimates that are not accurate

Urgency Code:

  • When assigning the Urgency rating, consider what the appropriate timeframe should be for when the repair or replacement should be addressed

Total Estimated Cost:

  • This field represents the total cost of the opportunity that has been created and is carried over from the default solution estimate, which reflects the cost estimate line item(s) plus any adders
  • If an Opportunity has been created, then this field should have a value greater than $0.00.  If not, then evaluate the solution and cost estimates to determine identify the problem
    • May need to make solution default and save
    • May need to save the CELI at the solution