How to Update the Facilities Condition Assessment Project
The following article instructs the Facilities Condition Assessment (FCA) Program Manager on how to update the an FCA Project.
1. Find and Open the FCA Project
A. Click Portfolio on the main menu toolbar.

B. Locate the Facilities Condition Assessment section of the page, and click Facilities Projects link.

C. Locate and open the newly created Facilities Project record in the Facilities Project search page.
Note: The name of the Facilities Project record defaults to the Campus, Assessment Year, and the Building Name, for example: UC Davis - 2018 - Hart Hall
You may also search using the following fields:
- ID
- Created Date
- Project Name
- Organization Responsible
- Project Classification
- Status
- Work Location
2. Assign a Responsible Person to the FCA Project
Note: Generally, the FCA Project Manager will be assigned as the Responsible Person, or ultimate owner of the FCA Project.
B. Go to the Responsible Person section of the General tab. Your name should display in the Name field. IF your name does not display or you need to change the name of the responsible person, click the Find button at the far right.

C. Click the down-arrow next to -Select- and select Employees, Consultants and External Contract List in the Responsible Person dialog box.
D. Click the radio button of the person who will be responsible for the FCA Project record and click the OK button.
3. Assign Planned Start and End Dates to a Project
Note: Based on the plan developed at each campus (Plan by CAAN), the Program Manager should assign planned start and end dates for each building assessment project.
A. Go to the tab bar and click the Schedule tab.

B. Enter the planned start date and planned end date of the building inspection in the Planned Start and Planned End fields of the Planned section.
4. Project Tasks Section
A. Go to the top of the Project record and click the Schedule tab.

B. Scroll down to the Project Tasks section and click the Task link in the list of Project Tasks (for this example we will use the Project Task for the Architectural discipline).
This action will open up the specific discipline Task record.
The Work Tasks are currently in a draft status.
C. Scroll down the General tab of the Facility Assessment Work Task record to the Responsible Organization section and click the Find button.

D. Click the down-arrow next to the -Select- box and select Work Groups from the drop down menu.

E. Click the radio button next to UCxx Facility Condition Assessment (where xx equals your campus) and click the OK button.

F. Click the Save button at the top of the Facility Assessment Work Task record.

G. Go to the Responsible Person section and click the Find button.

H. Click the radio button next to the ICAMP Inspector who will be completing this Work Task and click the OK button (For this example, the Architectural inspector).
I. Click the Save button at the top of the Facility Assessment Work Task record.

J. IF the ICAMP Inspector is ready to perform a Facilities Condition Assessment for the building requiring assessment, the FCA Program Manager will click the Activate button.

Activating the Work Task record will now allow the record to display in the ICAMP Inspector's Field Flex mobile application.
K. The Program Manager should complete the steps displayed above for the remaining Work Tasks by discipline listed in the Project Tasks:
- Architectural
- Electrical
- Mechanical