How and When to Delete & Retire Records in Tririga
The following article instructs Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) personnel on how to Delete, Remove, Retire records located in a Work Task within Tririga, records such as:
- Building System Inspection Items (BSII's)
- Opportunities
- Solutions
- Estimate Line Items
- Cost Adders
1. To Delete or Retire Building System Inspection Items (BSII's)
A. Locate the BSII in your Work Task.
B. IF the BSII record in the Work Task is:
- NOT in a COMPLETED status and,
- Does not have any child records attached (such as Opportunities),
DELETE the record as follows:
Go to the far right hand corner of the BSII record and click the small down-arrow next to More.
Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

IF the BSII record in the Work Task is:
- IS in a COMPLETED Status
RETIRE the record as follows:
Go to the far right hand corner of the BSII record and click the small down-arrow next to More.
Select Retire from the drop-down menu.

2. To Remove an Opportunity Record
A. IF the Opportunity record for the BSII contains NO child records attached (such as Solutions, Cost Estimate Line Items, Cost Adders)
Go to the far right hand corner of the BSII record and click the small down-arrow next to More.
Select Delete from the drop-down menu.

B. IF the Opportunity record for the BSII DOES contain child records attached (such as Solutions, Cost Estimate Line Items, Cost Adders) you will need to delete the remaining child records from the Opportunity before it can be retired or deleted.
Go and remove the remaining child records from the Opportunity. See the sections below to remove Cost Adders and Solutions as needed.
3. Removing a Cost Adder Record
A. Go to the Cost Estimate Unit Line Item record.
- Scroll down to the bottom of the screen to the Labor, Material, and Equipment Adjustment section.
- Click the check box to the right of listed Cost Adder
- Click the Remove button