How To Create a New Tririga User Account
The following article instructs Tririga Administrators how to create a new user account.
1. Login
A. Login to Tririga.

B. Click the Portofolio tab on the main page,

C. Go to the People section and click the Consultant link.
Note: If the new Tririga users are employees click the Employees link. In this case, we are setting up Consultants as new users in Tririga.

D. Click the Add button to the far right-hand side of the Consultants screen.
2. General Tab
Enter the following data in the Consultant Information screen, the General tab.
A. Enter the last and first name of the new user in Last Name and First Name fields of the General section.
B. Enter the title of the new user in the Title field under the Detail section of the screen.
C. Go to the Primary Organization section of the screen and click the Find button

D. Click the down-arrow button next to the -Select- field and choose My Companies from the drop-down menu.
E. Click the radio button next to the location that will be the new user's primary campus, then click the OK button.
F. Go to the Contact Information section and ensure the following information is entered in the following fields:
- Work Phone
- Mobile
G. Go to the top right-hand corner of the General tab and click the Create Draft button.
3. Profile Tab
A. Click the Profile tab on the tool bar.
B. Complete the following actions in the TRIRIGA Account section of the Profile screen:
- User Name Field: Enter the first initial and last name of the new user, all in lower case, for this example ssmith.
- Click the Active TRIRIGA User? check box.
- Click the Initial Pwd Reset check box.
C. Go to the Default Portal section of the Profile tab and input the following settings:
- Home Page and Project Home Page fields: Set to Portfolio Landing Page.
- Menu and Project Menu fields: Set to TRIRIGA Global Menu.
- Click the Sitemap? check box.
D. Go to the Preferences section of the Profile tab.
Click the spy-glass icon to the far right-hand side of the Time Zone field and select (GMT -8) Pacific (US, Canada); Tijuana (US/Pacific) from the drop-down menu.
E. Go to the top of the Profile tab and click the Save button in the far right-hand corner.
4. Group Details
A. While still on the Profile tab, scroll down the page to the Group Details section of the screen and click the Add button.
B. Click the check boxes next to FIELDFLEX and FIELDFLEX TRIRIGA in the pop-up menu and click the OK button.

C. Click the Add button again in the Group Details section.
D. Click to the small yellow triangle at the top left-hand corner of the pop-up dialog box. This action will take you to the second page of Group Names.

E. From the second page of Group Names, select the following:
- UC Facility Assessment Manager
- UC Geography Access
- The Campus to be assessed by the consultant (for this example, UC Davis)
Click the OK button.

F. Go to the top of the Profile tab form and click the Save button.
5. License Detail
A. While still on the Profile tab, scroll down the page to the License Details section of the screen and click the Add button.
B. Check the check box next to IBM Facilities and Real Estate Management on Cloud Enterprise and click the OK button.

C. Click the Save, then Activate button once the License Details information has been selected (You may also Save and Activate the record by scrolling to the top of the Profile tabe).
Note: By clicking the Activate button, the new user record will close and be active in Tririga.
6. Adding New User to a Group
A. Click on Portfolio and then Organizations on the main Tririga page.

B. Go to the Organizations hierarchy, complete the following:
- Click UC DAVIS (Organizational Category)
- Select FM Service Desk (WorkGroup)
- Click Open

C. Go to the far right hand side of the FM Service Desk screen and click the Revise button.

D. Click the Team Members & Contacts tab on the tool bar.

E. Click the Find button for the Team Members section of the screen.

F. Click the down-down arrow next to the -Select- box and choose Consultants from the drop-down menu.

G. Place a check in the check-box next to the name of the newly created consultant, and then click the OK button.

H. Click the Save button, then the Activate button to the far right hand side of the Team Members & Contacts screen.

7. Reset New User Password
A. Log out of Tririga.
B. Log back in to Tririga using:
- New User's ID: (For this example, ssmith)
- Password: password (all lower case)

C. On the Password Change screen, complete the following.
- Enter in the current password in the Current Password field (password, all in lower case)
- Enter in a new password in the New Password field (Parsons@2018)
- Re-enter the same new password in the Current Password field.
D. Click the Change My Password button.
E. Click the Sign Out link at the top right-hand side of the page to login with the new password.
F. The new Tririga user now has access to the system.