How to Create an FCA Inspection Request
The following article instructs Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) personnel how to create a Building Facilities Condition Assessment Inspection Request.
These actions will be performed by the FCA Program Manager.
1. Locate the Building Record
A. From the Tririga main menu, click Portfolio and then Locations, and select Buildings from the Location drop-down menu.
B. Locate the Building record of the building where the Facilities Condition Assessment will be performed and click the record link.
C. Click the Assessment tab in the Building record.

D. Click the Revise button in the far right-hand corner of the Assessment tab.

2. Creating the Inspection Request
A. Go to the Building System Items section of the Assessment tab and click the Inspection Request button.

B. Complete the following steps in the newly created Inspection Request:
- Click the Me radio button in the Request is for section.
- Make sure the building that will be inspected is listed in the Building field.
- Make sure the your Organization is listed correctly in the Organization field. IF the Organization listed in the field is incorrect, click the spy-glass icon to the far right of the field and locate and select your accurate Organization in the pop up menu.
Note on your Organization: Each campus will have their own FCA Organization; so for example: UCD, UCLA, UCSB, UCSF, UCB….

C. Click the radio button for the UC - FCA Project in the Service Request section.

D. Click the Create Draft button at the top of the Inspection Request record.

E. Click the Submit button.

F. An Inspection Request is now created.
G. At the Building record, click the Save button, and then the Activate button. This will close out the Building record.