Creating a Cost Estimate Solution at the Opportunity

The following article instructs Inspectors on how to complete an Cost Estimate Solution for an Opportunity

1. How to Create an Cost Estimate Solution

A. At the Opportunity record, go to the Solutions section and click the Add button. This action will display the Estimate Manager form, which will allow you to estimate the cost of the Solution for the Opportunity.

2. Updating Estimate Manager

A. In the Cost Estimate Manager review the following:  

  1. Cost Group:  Confirm the field lists RS Means Facilities Maintenance and Repair.
  2. Geography Cost Index:  Confirm the field is populated with the index city name that has been designated by the campus.

3. In the General section of the Estimate Manager ensure the Name reflects what was entered at the Opportunity name.

3. Select a Cost Assembly

Based on the Inventory item created, its associated Cost Assemblies to replace or repair the item will be presented for selection.

These Cost Assemblies represent the standard costs contained in the UC Real Property Asset Catalog and are based on RS Means or UC data.  

A. Go to the UC Assembly section of the Estimate Manager form and click on the check box next to the desired Cost Estimate Assembly, then click the Add button.

B. A Cost Estimate Line Item will be created based on the Cost Assembly just selected.

To update the Cost Estimate Line Item and/or add a Cost Adder click on the Assembly link to open the form.


Go to next Article to review the Cost Estimate Line Item and adding Cost Adders.