Creating a New Assembly for a BSC in Tririga
The following article instructs Facility Condition Assessment (FCA) personnel on how to create a new assembly record for a new Business System Class in Tririga
These actions will be performed by the campus FCA Tririga system administrator and FCA Program Managers. Newly created Assemblies will be associated with newly created Business System classes.
Article Sections:
1. Preparation
New Business Systems Classes not found in the the Tririga system may be identified during the ICAMP project inspection process. These new Business System Classes will need to be entered into the Tririga database.
ICAMP Program Managers will complete the Excel BSC Template spreadsheet on campus and submit the spread sheet to the FCA Tririga system administrator.
For the creation of new Assemblies require for newly created Business Class Systems, the following information in the New BSC Template Work Sheet is required.
- RS Means Unit Line Item Number
- Labor Unit Price
- Material Unit Price
- Equipment Unit Price
- Labor Hours
- Frequency of Occurrence
- Total In-House Costs
2. Begin Creating the New Assembly
A. Login to Tririga.
B. Click Portfolio in the tool bar.
C. Go to the Facility Condition Assessment section and click on Assembly.
D. At the far right-hand corner of the Assembly page, click the Add button.
This action will create a new Assembly record.
3. Complete the New Assembly Record
A. Enter the name of the BSC this Assembly will be associated with, adding "Replace" to the name in the Name field.
B. Make sure to include the text"RS Means Unit Line Item Number"along with the number if the assembly data was created via RSMeans Unit Cost data.
Make sure to include the text "RS Means Unit Line Item Number" along with the number
C. In the Details section, click the magnifying glass icon next to the Building System Class field and navigate down the BSC 5 level hierarchy drop-down menu to select the newly created BSC to associate to this Assembly.
For this example the Hierarchy would be UC-ICAMP / ( Level 1) D-Services / (Level 2) D50-Services / (Level 3) D5013-Electrical Service/Distribution / (Level 4) D5013265 - Motor Control Center / (Level 5) D50132650010UC - Motor Control Center Structure Enclosure Only Section
D. Click the magnifying glass icon next to the Assembly Activityfield and select the activity type that the assembly is being created for, for example Replace, Repair.
E. Place a check in the Display at Solutions? check box.
F. Click the Find button in the Maintenance Repair Cost section.
G. Check the radio button next to RS Means Facilities Maintenance and Repair in the pop-up menu and click the OK button.
H. Take the BSC number located in the Business System Class field and enter that number into the Assembly Number field in the Assembly Details section.
IF you are creating more than one Assembly for this newly created BSC, make sure to change the Assembly Number for any addition Assemblies created.
For example:
- For this REPLACE Assembly the Assembly number is: D50132650010UC
- Say if you create a REPAIR Assembly for this same BSC the Assembly number would be: D50132650011UC - Note the last 2 digits before UC as changed in sequence to the number 11, and so on, for all new Assemblies created.
- Make sure all subsequent Assemblies that are created for this BSC follows this formula for numbering the Assembly Number.
I. Enter the Labor Unit Price from the BSC Template spreadsheet in the Labor Unit Price field.
J. Enter the Material Unit Price from the BSC Template spreadsheet in the Material Unite Price field.
Note: IF the BSC Template spreadsheet lists costs and figures for the Equipment Unit Price and Labor Hours, enter those figures in those fields.
K. Enter the Frequency Of Occurrence figure from the BSC Template spreadsheet in the Frequency Of Occurrence field.
L. Add up the total costs of the new Assembly and enter that figure in the Total In-House Costs and Total OP Costs fields.
M. Go to the top right-hand corner of the Assembly record and click the Create Draft button.
N. Click the Activate button.
O. Click the Save & Close button.