FCA How-To In Tririga
5. FCA Reports - QA Inspector Reports
- 5.1 ICAMP Standard Naming Conventions and Approach to Create FCA Inspection Items and Opportunities
- 5.2 How To Generate a 1 BSII Inspector Closeout Report
- 5.3 How to Generate the 2 Opportunities Editable for All UC's Reports
- 5.4 How To Generate a 3 BSII Opportunity - Estimate Cost Review Report
- 5.5 How To Generate a 4 BSII Document Review (attachments) Report
- 5.6 How To Generate a 5 FCA Asset Detail Report with Condition (BSII Status-Active) Report
- 5.7 How To Generate a 6 FCA Asset Detail Report with Condition (Completed Only) Report
- 5.8 How To Generate a FCA Building Details Report
- 5.9 How To Generate a FCA Opportunity Creation Criteria Report
- 5.10 How To Generate a FCA Asset Info Review Report