Key Concept: Layers and Naming

Make sure an Auto CAD drawing that is being used to create Floor and Space records in Tririga is properly layered before being uploaded to the system is the most crucial action to perform when using the Tririga CAD Integrator.

When placing layers to your Auto CAD drawing, make sure you follow these simple guidelines for the layers:


  1. ASF for Gross Area, the outer most walls/boundaries of the Building.
  2. GSFI for Measured Area, the inside walls/boundaries of the  uilding.
  3. A-Area-Space for all Spaces in the Auto CAD drawing, classrooms, offices, storage spaces, utiliy spaces, etc.
  4. A-Area-Iden for the Room titles or numbers of each Space.

Make sure to assign these naming standards to the layers of your Auto CAD drawings before uploading the drawing to Tririga.  

For additional information on guidelines and standards for Auto CAD drawings, refer to Chapter 3. Building Area Measurement of the NCES-Education Facilites Inventory & Classification Manual.