How to Create and Manage a Building Record

1. Login to Tririga

2. From the Home Page

Go to the Locations section of your Home Page and click Location Hierarchy.

Home - ICAMP

In the Location Hierarchy, select the Property where the new Building will be located.

Click New and then select Building from the drop-down menu.

3. Enter information in the following fields of the newly created Building record, General Tab:

Enter the following into the appropriate fields as necessary in the General section:

  1. Name of the new Building
  2. Legal Name: Enter the legal name of the building if tracking it is important
  3. Common Name: Enter the name of the Building people commonly use to refer to it.
  4. Description of the new Building if necessary

Enter the Building service date in the In Service field of the Location Status section.

Enter the following information in the UC Details section. Click the spy-glass icon to the far right of the fields to display a pop-menu to select values.

  1. Capital Asset Account Number field:  Enter the CAAN#; maximum 5 characters, alphanumeric.
  2. Functional Affiliation Code field
  3. Master Plan Code field
  4. Predominant Building Category Code field
  5. Model Building field
  6. Ownership Code field

Enter the following information in the UC Details section (CONTINUED). Click the spy-glass icon to the far right of the fields to display a pop-menu to select values.

  1. Number of Levels field: Enter total number of levels of building
  2. Number of Levels Above Ground field: Enter total number of levels above ground
  3. Number of Levels Below Ground field: Enter total number of levels below ground
  4. Building Height (Feet): Enter total height of building in feet

Enter the following information in the UC Details section (CONTINUED). Click the spy-glass icon to the far right of the fields to display a pop-menu to select values.

  1. Year of Last Improvement field: Select the Year the last improvement was made
  2. Year Constructed field:  Select the Year the building was constructed
  3. Fire Sprinklers field:  Select a value from the dropdown list (No, Partial, Yes)
  4. Last EFA Year field: For EFA Reporting - indicates the last EFA inventory submission year

Enter the seismic information in the UC Seismic Details section. This information will used by Seismic Task Force.

Add the new Building's primary address in the Primary Address section.

Click the Area Measurements tab in the Building record tool bar.

Scroll down to the EFA Building Area Measurements section.

Enter the Building Name in the EFA Building Name field.   Maximum of 12 characters, alphanumeric.

Enter the gross area measurement of the building in the EFA Basic Gross Area field.

Enter the non-assignable area measurement of the Building in EFA Non-Assignable Area field.

Enter the circulation area measurement of the Building in the EFA Circulation Area field.

Enter the custodial area measurement of the Building in the EFA Custodial Area field.

Enter the parking area measurement of the Building in the EFA Parking Area field.

Enter the covered unenclosed area measurement of the Building in the EFA Covered Unenclosed Area field.

Enter the mechanical area measurement of the Building in the EFA Mechanical Area field.

Enter the public toilet area measurement of the Building in the EFA Toilet Area field.

Scroll to the top right of the new Building record and click the Create Draft button.

Click the Save & Close button.

The new Building record will now display in the Location Hierarchy.

NOTE: If you are updating information in a Building record that has already been created, ensure you click the Revise button at the top right-hand corner of the record before making any changes/updates.