Year of Last Improvement: How to Find and Manage at a Building Record in Tririga

1. Login to Tririga

Click Portfolio.

Go to the Locations section and click Location Hierarchy.

Locate and open the Building record from the Hierarchy.

In the Building record, General tab, locate the UC Details section.

2. Definition:

The year in which the most recent major capital improvement (costing over $250,000) to an existing building or structure was completed.

The data element "Year of Latest Improvement" is used only to update those buildings which are already on the facilities inventory file and for which a major capital improvement project costing over $250,000 would significantly extend the useful life of the structure (e.g., new wing or floor added to an existing building; or renewal or replacement of the building's infrastructure). Do not include renovations to existing rooms undertaken solely for programmatic reasons, which do not extend the life of the structure or infrastructure.

For new buildings which are being added to the facilities inventory file for the first time, use the data element "Year Constructed."

3. Field Value:

Users select a Year from the drop down list of values.