Make a Copy of a Space Record

1. Go to a Space Record

Go to the far right-hand corner of the Space record click the down-arrow for the More button and select Copy.

Close out of the original Space record that you just copied.

Go to the Location hierarchy to located the new record of the Space record you just copied.

Select the Space record copy and click the Open link on the toolbar.

Make sure to change the Name of the new record in the Name field. For example, if the name is now to be a new room on the floor, change the name to the new room number.

Also change any other information in the new record necessary to change the copied Space record to a new Space record.

When all changes in the new Space record is completed:

  1. Click the Save button
  2. Click the Activate button.

Clicking Activate will make the new Space record active in the Tririga system.

NOTE: You may use this same Copy process to create new Buildings and Floors in Tririga if necessary.