Changing the Current Use Space Class of a Space Record in Tririga using Auto CAD.

The following will instruct how users may change the Current Use Space Class of a Space record using Auto CAD

1. Open Auto CAD

Open a CAD drawing in Auto CAD that has already been published to Tririga, for example a recent CAD floor drawing with all the spaces selected that was uploaded to Tririga.

For instructions on how to upload Floor and Space records to Tririga,  go to the article Creating Space Records in Tririga Using Auto CAD.

Go to IBM TRIRIGA on your tool bar and select Edit and then Batch Edit.

In the CAD drawing click on the Spaces in the drawing where you need to change that Space's Current Use Space Class. (For this sample, room's 115, 114, 113).

And right-click your mouse.

Select all the Space records listed in the Record Name section.

Click the down-arrow to the far right side Field.

Scroll down to locate General\Current Space Class\Current Use Space Class in the Field list.

Click the spy-glass icon to the right of the Value field.

Select a new Space Class value in the Select a Value dialog box and click OK.

Click OK.

Click the Apply button on the Batch Edit dialog box.

Note the Current Field Value names for the rooms selected has changed to a new Value.

Click the Cancel button when finished.

Make sure to Save the CAD drawing before closing out of Auto CAD.