Number of Stations: How to Find and Manage at a Space Record in Tririga

1. Login to Tririga

Click Portfolio.

Go to the Locations section and click Location Hierarchy.

Locate and open the Building record from the Hierarchy.

Locate the Space record from the Hierarchy.

In the Space record, General tab, locate the UC Details section.

2. Definition:

The number of actual work stations which will adequately accommodate secondary users in a particular type of room.

Refer to Appendix B, of the Facilities Inventory Guide for rooms which report stations. Do not report stations for service rooms (e.g. 125-classroom service, 265-class lab service, 345-conference room service).

In the case where extra chairs have been placed in the room, in excess of the designed capacity of the room, count only the number of additional seats which could be added without exceeding the maximum seating capacity allowed by the appropriate building and fire codes and which seats are intended to be included in the room on a permanent basis (rather than for a single course or a single quarter).

Occupancy refers to the actual department occupying the space; Assignment refers to the department who is responsible for the space

3. Field Values:

User free form numeric value.