CPEC Codes: How to Find and Manage at a Space Record in Tririga

1. Login to Tririga

Click Portfolio.

Go to the Locations section and click Location Hierarchy.

Locate and open the Building record from the Hierarchy.

Locate the Space record from the Hierarchy.

In the Space record, General tab, locate the Occupancy and Assignment Allocation sections.

2. Definition:

Code indicating to which CPEC (California Postsecondary Education Commission) space category a room use code is assigned for purposes of space analysis reporting.

Assignment of a CPEC category code applies only to standard rooms and all (standard and non-standard) teaching laboratories which are associated with program codes 1.1 and 1.2. For all other rooms, the CPEC category code is blank.

Occupancy refers to the actual department occupying the space; Assignment refers to the department who is responsible for the space.

3. Field Values:

'1' - Classroom

'2' - Teaching Laboratory

'3' - Office

'4' - Research/Scholarly Activity

' ' - Not applicable

CPEC Code will autopopulate when both Program and Room Codes are "standard", this relationship is maintained in the Portfolio\Program Room form